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ABSTRAK Kata-kata Kunci : Model Pembelajaran Discovery Learning, Sistem Komputer, Hasil Belajar Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran Discovery Learning terhadap hasil belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran sistem komputer kelas X SMK Al-Hikam, Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kuantitatif, dengan metode Quasi Experimental Design. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X TKJ 1 dan kelas X TKJ 2 SMK AL-HIKAM, yang berjumlah 60 siswa. Sampel yang digunakan adalah sampel jenuh karena semua populasi dijadikan sampel pada penelitian ini. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes, observasi, dan angket. Instrumen penelitian berupa tes hasil belajar, lembar observasi aktivitas guru dan siswa, dan angket respon siswa. Berdasarkan hasil uji prasyarat yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan nilai thitung sebesar 7,61 > ttabel = 2.048. berdasarkan kaidah pengujian yang digunakan nilai thitung >ttabel maka Ho ditolak. Artinya ada pengaruh yang signifikan penggunaan model pembelajaran Discovery Learning terhadap hasil belajar dan hasil analisis uji gain ternormalisasi memperoleh nilai (g) yaitu 0,41 dengan kategori sedang. Hasil observasi aktivitas guru memperoleh rata-rata 78% dengan kategoti baik. Hasil observasi aktivitas siswa memperoleh rata-rata 86,5% dengan kategori sangat baik. Selain itu, penggunaan model pembelajaran Discovery Learning dalam pembelajaran sistem komputer mendapat respon positif dengan perolehan persentase nilai rata-rata sebesar 83.17% dengan kategori sangat baik. Jadi berdasarkan hasil analisis tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran Discovery Learning berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar siswa dan direspon positif oleh siswa dalam pembelajaran sistem komputer.
AbstractionABSTRACT Keywords: Learning Model of Discovery Learning, Computer System, Learning Outcomes This study aims to determine the effect of learning model Discovery Learning on student learning outcomes in learning computer system class X SMK Al-Hikam, This research includes quantitative research, with Quasi Experimental Design method. The population in this study were students of class X TKJ 1 and class X TKJ 2 SMK AL-HIKAM, which amounted to 60 students. The samples used were saturated samples because all populations were sampled in this study. Data collection techniques used tests, observations, and questionnaires. Research instruments are test result of learning, observation sheet of teacher and student activity, and student response questionnaire. Based on the prerequisite test results that have been done shows the value of tcount of 7.61> ttable = 2.048. Based on the test rule used tcount> ttable then Ho is rejected. This means that there is a significant influence on the use of Learning Discovery Learning model of learning outcomes and the results of standardized gain test analysis obtained a value (g) of 0.41 with the category of being. The results of teacher activity observation obtained an average of 78% with good category. The result of student activity observation obtained 86,5% average with very good category. In addition, the use of the learning model of Discovery Learning in computer system learning received a positive response with the acquisition of average percentage value of 83.17% with very good category. So based on the results of the analysis can be concluded that the learning model Discovery Learning effect on student learning outcomes and responded positively by students in learning computer systems.