Detail Karya Ilmiah

    Penulis : Moh. Haris
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Wahid Khoirul Ikhwan, M.Pd
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Ahmad Jamiā€™ul Amil, S.Pd., M.Pd

    Cerita Rakyat Hutan Kera Nepa digolongkan sebagai cerita lisan atau folklor. Peneliti mengambil objek Hutan Kera Nepa dikarenakan penelti tertarik dengan asal-usul cerita Hutan Kera Nepa dan tradisi, mitos dan fungsi yang ada di hutan kera nepa yang dapat menarik perhatian masyarakat sekitar dan pengunjung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tradisi, pengaruh mitos dan fungsi Cerita Rakyat. Serta mendeskrpsikan hubungan antara tradisi, mitos dan fungsi Cerita Rakyat Hutan Kera Nepa yang berada di Desa Batioh Kecamatan Banyuates Kabupaten Sampang. Metode yang digunakan meliputi bentuk penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi langsung, Wawancara, Studi dokumen atau kepustakaan. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah Data rekaman ditranskip atau dipindahkan dari bentuk rekaman ke bentuk tulisan, Transkripsi cerita dipisahkan dari transkripsi wawancara dengan audiens dan tokoh masyarakat, Setelah selesai transkripsi, diadakan penerjemahan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia, terjemahan itu dilaksanakan terikat agar tidak terjadi perubahan atau penghilangan struktur yang asli, analisis struktur cerita dan variasi cerita dilaksanakan dengan mengambil sampel (percontoh), dan analisis terhadap fungsi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah (1) profil masyarakat Desa Batioh Kecamatan Banyuates Kabupaten Sampang sebagai pendukung cerita rakyat Hutan Kera Nepa di tinjau dari segi kondisi geografi, demografi masyarakat, sosial budaya, agama, dan kepercayaan tradisi masyarakat, (2) bentuk dari cerita rakyat Hutan Kera Nepa berbentuk cerita prosa rakyat (3) pengaruh mitos dan fungsi yang terkait dengan cerita rakyat Hutan Kera Nepa (4) fungsinya cerita rakyat Hutan Kera Nepa (5) hubungan tradisi dengan mitos dan fungsi cerita rakyat Nepa. Kata kunci: hutan kera nepa, tradisi, mitos dam fungsi.


    Abstract: The People's Story of the Nepa Monkey Forest is classified as an oral or folklore story. The researchers took the object of the Monkey Forest because the penelties were interested in the origins of the story of the Monkey Forest and the traditions, myths and functions that existed in the nepa ape forest that could attract the attention of surrounding communities and visitors. This study aims to describe the tradition, the influence of myth and function of Folklore. As well as describe the relationship between tradition, myth and function Folklore of the Monkey Forest of Nepa located in Batioh Village Banyuates District Sampang District. The method used is qualitative descriptive research. Data collection is done by direct observation, Interview, Document study or bibliography. Analytical techniques used are Recorded data transcribed or transferred from recording form to form of writing, Transcription of stories separated from transcriptions of interviews with audiences and public figures, After completion of transcription, there is a translation into the Indonesian language, the translation is conducted bound so that no change or disappearance The original structure, the analysis of story structure and story variations are carried out by taking samples (samples), and analysis of the functions. The results of this study are (1) the profile of Batioh Village community Banyuates Subdistrict of Sampang Regency as supporting the folklore of Kera Nepa Forest in terms of geographical conditions, societal demography, socio-culture, religion, and beliefs of community tradition, (2) The Ape Nepa Forest is a prose folktale (3) the influence of myth and function associated with the folklore of the Monkey Forest Nepa (4) the function of the folklore of the Monkey Forest of Nepa. Keywords: Nepa monkey forest, traditions, myths and functions. The ape forest of Nepa.

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