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  • Pembentukan Karakter Kepedulian Sosial Anak Melalui Pola Asuh Orang Tua Siswa.
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Priyono Tri Febrianto, S.Sos., M.Si.,
    Dosen Pembimbing II : Fachrur Rozie, S.Pd., M.Pd.

    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pembentukan karakter kepedulian sosial anak melalui pola asuh orang tua siswa kelas IV SDN Socah 3 Bangkalan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan mengambil subyek penelitian yaitu orang tua siswa kelas IV SDN Socah 3, siswa kelas IV, guru kelas IV serta kepala sekolah. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah reduksi data, display data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) orang tua siswa menerapkan pembentukan karakter kepedulian sosial melalui pemberian wawasan kepedulian sosial kepada anak, (2) orang tua memberikan contoh sikap kepedulian sosial kepada anak, (3) orang tua turut serta melibatkan anak dalam kegiatan-kegiatan kepedulian sosial (4) orang tua memberikan pendidikan menggenai kepedulian sosial sejak kecil kepada anak, (5) orang tua menerapkan pola asuh tipe otoritatif (autoratative parenting) yaitu menghadirkan lingkungan rumah yang penuh kasih dan dukungan, memberi kebebasan kepada anak untuk berprilaku sesuai usianya, menengakkan aturan-aturan keluarga secara konsisten, mendukung kegiatan anak yang bersifat positif, memberikan kebebasan berpendapat pada anak dan menerima saran yang diberikan oleh anak, serta bersikap hangat, welas asih, bisamenerima alasan dari semua tindakan yang dilakukan anak. Kata kunci : Karakter kepedulian sosial, pola asuh orang tua


    ABSTRACT This research aims to know the character formation of social care children through parenting parents IV grade SDN (Elemantary School) Socah 3 Bangkalan. This research uses qualitative descriptive research approach by taking the subjects of research i.e. parents IV grade SDN Socah 3, IV grade, IV class teacher and the school principal. Collection of data by using the techniques of observation, interview, and study the documentation. Technique of analysis data use the reduction of data, data display, and the withdrawal of the conclusion. The results showed that (1) the parents of the students applying to the formation of social awareness through giving of character insight into social care to the child, (2) parents give an example of the attitude of social care to children, (3) parent participation involving children in social care activities (4) parents give social care of education since childhood to children, (5) older people apply type authoritative parenting (autoratative parenting) presents is loving home environment and support , giving free rein to behave according to his age, motivation of family rules consistently, support the activities of the child who has a positive, giving freedom of speech in children and accept the advice be given by the child, as well as being warm, compassionate, it can receive the reasons of all actions are taken. Keywords: character of social care, parenting parents PENDAHULUHANDwi Prayoga Setyawan. 2017. The formation of the character social care Children Through Parenting Parents of students. Thesis, Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program, Faculty of Education, University of Trunojoyo Madura. advisor I: Priyono Tri Febrianto, S.Sos., M.Si., advisor II: Rozie Fachrur, S. Pd., M.Pd. ABSTRACT This research aims to know the character formation of social care children through parenting parents IV grade SDN (Elemantary School) Socah 3 Bangkalan. This research uses qualitative descriptive research approach by taking the subjects of research i.e. parents IV grade SDN Socah 3, IV grade, IV class teacher and the school principal. Collection of data by using the techniques of observation, interview, and study the documentation. Technique of analysis data use the reduction of data, data display, and the withdrawal of the conclusion. The results showed that (1) the parents of the students applying to the formation of social awareness through giving of character insight into social care to the child, (2) parents give an example of the attitude of social care to children, (3) parent participation involving children in social care activities (4) parents give social care of education since childhood to children, (5) older people apply type authoritative parenting (autoratative parenting) presents is loving home environment and support , giving free rein to behave according to his age, motivation of family rules consistently, support the activities of the child who has a positive, giving freedom of speech in children and accept the advice be given by the child, as well as being warm, compassionate, it can receive the reasons of all actions are taken. Keywords: character of social care, parenting parents

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