Detail Karya Ilmiah

    Penulis : ABI ROHMAD
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Erika Citra Sari Hartanto, S.S., M.Hum
    Dosen Pembimbing II :


    ABSTRACT ROHMAD, ABI. 13011100141. Patriarchy Depicted in Jane Austen’s Short Stories’ “Love and Friendship”. Thesis, English Study Program, Department of Social and Cultural Scienes. Trunojoyo University, Madura. 2018. Thesis Adviser: Erika Citra Sari Hartanto, S.S., M.Hum. The aim of this study is determining the Patriarchy Depicted in Jane Austen’s Short Stories’ Love and Friendship. Indeed, this study uses qualitative research. The qualitative research focuses on interpretation and might lead to develop new concept or theory. The source of data in this study is a short story entitled Love and Friendship written by Jane Austen. The data of this study uses author’s narrations and the utterances of characters that reflect about the patriarchy in short story. The instrument of this study is the writer himself. The data are collected by three steps to analyze the kind of qualitative analysis, those are data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification based on Mile and Huberman techniques. The result of this study shows how the patriarchy ideology is depicted in Love and Friendship Jane Austen’s Short Story, and also how patriarchy operates socially and patriarchy operates psychologically are found. Key word: Patriarchy System, Patriarchy Ideology

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