Detail Karya Ilmiah

  • A Study of Enantiosemy in Jakarta Globe Online News
    Penulis : Habib Ikhwanudin
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Iqbal Nurul Azhar, S.S., M.Hum.
    Dosen Pembimbing II :


    ABSTRACT This study aims to explain the types of enantiosemy in Jakarta globe online news using theory proposed by Ales Klegr (2013). This study also explains the factor behind the existence of enantiosemy proposed by Ogneva S.V (2016). This study is conducted by applying a descriptive qualitative research design. The source of data is Jakarta globe online news. The data of this study are words that become enantiosemy. The data are collected by using observation method through note taking technique and interactive data analysis to analyze the data. In the finding, the researcher found 15 data. The data analysis reveals the findings covering the formulated research question. Firstly, the data are classified into seven types of enantiosemy. There is 1 datum as Directional, 2 data belong to Collocational, 4 data belong to Irony, 1 datum belongs to Anti-Irony, 5 data belong to Converse, and 3 data belong to Non-Sytematic enantiosemy. The writer finds no data for euphemistic enantiosemes. Secondly, the writer also categorizes the data into 4 factors behind the existence of enantiosemy. They are classified by 4 data belong to speech factor, 5 data belong to grammatical factor, and 6 belong to data. The writer finds no data for Phraseological factor. Keywords: Enantiosemy, Jakarta Globe Online News.

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