Detail Karya Ilmiah

    Dosen Pembimbing I : Misnadin, S.S., M.A., Ph.D
    Dosen Pembimbing II :

    Pratiwi, D. N. I. 2017.Code-switchingAmongSampit Refugees in Bangkalan Madura. Thesis. English Study Program of Faculty of Social and Cultural Science. University of Trunojoyo Madura. Advisor: Misnadin, S.S., M.A., Ph.D This study focuses on the utterances produced by Sampit refugees which containscode-switching.The code-switching practiced by Sampit refugees is a phenomenon of language occurring in the society to make the communication more effective and meaningful. The source of data was the conversations between Sampit refugees in Bangkalan. This study aimed to explain the types of codeswitching and the factors of code-switchingamongSampit refugees in Bangkalan Madura. This study was conducted using descriptive qualitativedesign. The research instrument was the writer herself. Themethod of collecting data wasobservation. Thewriter collected the data by observation in the settlements of Sampit refugees. In this research, there are 30 data of code-switching. Of this 30 data, 6 data are classified as intra-sentential switching, 14 data classified as emblematic switching, and 10 data classified as establishing continuity with the previous speaker. There are two factors of code-switching. They aresocial contextand the purposes. The writer also analyzed the data based on social dimensions. In this research, the writer discovers the factors of code-switching,5 data of codeswitching classified as social context, and 25 data of code-switching classified as the purpose. Keywords: Code-switching, Sampit Refugees, Type, Factors.


    Pratiwi, D. N. I. 2017.Code-switchingAmongSampit Refugees in Bangkalan Madura. Thesis. English Study Program of Faculty of Social and Cultural Science. University of Trunojoyo Madura. Advisor: Misnadin, S.S., M.A., Ph.D This study focuses on the utterances produced by Sampit refugees which containscode-switching.The code-switching practiced by Sampit refugees is a phenomenon of language occurring in the society to make the communication more effective and meaningful. The source of data was the conversations between Sampit refugees in Bangkalan. This study aimed to explain the types of codeswitching and the factors of code-switchingamongSampit refugees in Bangkalan Madura. This study was conducted using descriptive qualitativedesign. The research instrument was the writer herself. Themethod of collecting data wasobservation. Thewriter collected the data by observation in the settlements of Sampit refugees. In this research, there are 30 data of code-switching. Of this 30 data, 6 data are classified as intra-sentential switching, 14 data classified as emblematic switching, and 10 data classified as establishing continuity with the previous speaker. There are two factors of code-switching. They aresocial contextand the purposes. The writer also analyzed the data based on social dimensions. In this research, the writer discovers the factors of code-switching,5 data of codeswitching classified as social context, and 25 data of code-switching classified as the purpose. Keywords: Code-switching, Sampit Refugees, Type, Factors.

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