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An Analysis of Dispreferred Response in Tomorrowland Movie.Penulis : Qo'Ilah SurayaDosen Pembimbing I : Dr. Masduki, M.Pd.Dosen Pembimbing II :Abstraksi
The aims of this study are to describe the types and the function of dispreferred response expressed by the characters in Tomorrowland movie. The researcher uses theories proposed by Levinson (1983) and Ghaitsani (2016) to analyze the data. The data of this study were from Tomorrowland movie released on May 22nd, 2015 directed by Brad Bird and written by Brad Bird, Damon Lindelof, and Jeff Jensen. This study uses descriptive qualitative design. The data of this study was taken from the utterances produced by characters conducted dispreferred response. In this study, the researcher herself is the key instrument. The researcher chooses content analysis because the conversation of the movie has been transcribed first before being analyzed. The researcher applies Miles and Huberman (1994) method to analyze the data. The researcher found five types of dispreferred response in the data. They are refusal for request, refusal for offer, disagreement for assessment, unexpected or no answer for question, and admission for blame. The function of the dispreferred responses found in the movie; to state disagreement, to defend argument, to clear the misunderstanding, to state the own reason, to show the speaker not interested in topic, and to state opinion. From the findings, it can be seen that the character usually perform the dispreferred responses to show the speaker’s unwillingness or inability to perform a preferred action and criticize the first speaker’s utterance which is considered as an impolite or a rude utterance. Those functions appear as a result of the speaker’s personal reason and also the first speaker’s impoliteness. Keywords : Pragmatics, Dispreferred Response, Tomorrowland
AbstractionThe aims of this study are to describe the types and the function of dispreferred response expressed by the characters in Tomorrowland movie. The researcher uses theories proposed by Levinson (1983) and Ghaitsani (2016) to analyze the data. The data of this study were from Tomorrowland movie released on May 22nd, 2015 directed by Brad Bird and written by Brad Bird, Damon Lindelof, and Jeff Jensen. This study uses descriptive qualitative design. The data of this study was taken from the utterances produced by characters conducted dispreferred response. In this study, the researcher herself is the key instrument. The researcher chooses content analysis because the conversation of the movie has been transcribed first before being analyzed. The researcher applies Miles and Huberman (1994) method to analyze the data. The researcher found five types of dispreferred response in the data. They are refusal for request, refusal for offer, disagreement for assessment, unexpected or no answer for question, and admission for blame. The function of the dispreferred responses found in the movie; to state disagreement, to defend argument, to clear the misunderstanding, to state the own reason, to show the speaker not interested in topic, and to state opinion. From the findings, it can be seen that the character usually perform the dispreferred responses to show the speaker’s unwillingness or inability to perform a preferred action and criticize the first speaker’s utterance which is considered as an impolite or a rude utterance. Those functions appear as a result of the speaker’s personal reason and also the first speaker’s impoliteness. Keywords : Pragmatics, Dispreferred Response, Tomorrowland