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  • A Study On Speech Level Of Madurese Language At Pasar Besar Sri Mangunan, Gunung Sekar, Sampang
    Penulis : Fitria Faradilla Ramadhan
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Dr. Masduki, M.Pd
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Dr. Masduki, M.Pd

    ABSTRACT Fitria Faradilla Ramadhan. 130511100094. A Study On Speech Level Of Madurese Language At Pasar Besar Sri Mangunan, Gunung Sekar, Sampang.Thesis. English Study Program of Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, University of Trunojoyo Madura. Advisor: Mr. Dr. Masduki, M. Pd This study focuses on speech levels used by seller and buyer at Pasar Besar Sri Mangunan, Gunung Sekar, Sampang. This study aims to explain the types of speech level and factors speech level used by seller and buyer at Pasar Besar Sri Mangunan, Gunung Sekar, Sampang, especially at fashion store at the market. In addition to analyze the data, this study uses the theory proposed by Thomson and Kotari (2004). This study is conducted by applying qualitative research design since the data were in the form of words. The data of this study are the types of speech level and factors of speech level used by seller and buyer at Pasar Besar Sri Mangunan, Gunung Sekar, Sampang. The data were collected by using observation method. To analyze the data, the writer used interactive data analysis proposed by Miles & Huberman (1994). The results show that there are 17 data found in this study. They are classified into 17 types of speech level. They are formal speech level (0 data), informal speech level (17 data), over formal speech level (0 data), motherese speech level (0 data ), and reporting speech level (0 data) and then Oca’ Bhasa (07 data), Oca’ Mapas Kasar (10 data). While, there are 4 factors result in usage of speech level, participant (4 data), setting (4 data), topic (4 data), and function (5 data). Keywords: : Types of the speech level, Factors result in usage of the speech level, Speech level used seller and buyer at Pasar Besar Sri Mangunan, Gunung Sekar, Sampang.


    ABSTRACT Fitria Faradilla Ramadhan. 130511100094. A Study On Speech Level Of Madurese Language At Pasar Besar Sri Mangunan, Gunung Sekar, Sampang.Thesis. English Study Program of Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, University of Trunojoyo Madura. Advisor: Mr. Dr. Masduki, M. Pd This study focuses on speech levels used by seller and buyer at Pasar Besar Sri Mangunan, Gunung Sekar, Sampang. This study aims to explain the types of speech level and factors speech level used by seller and buyer at Pasar Besar Sri Mangunan, Gunung Sekar, Sampang, especially at fashion store at the market. In addition to analyze the data, this study uses the theory proposed by Thomson and Kotari (2004). This study is conducted by applying qualitative research design since the data were in the form of words. The data of this study are the types of speech level and factors of speech level used by seller and buyer at Pasar Besar Sri Mangunan, Gunung Sekar, Sampang. The data were collected by using observation method. To analyze the data, the writer used interactive data analysis proposed by Miles & Huberman (1994). The results show that there are 17 data found in this study. They are classified into 17 types of speech level. They are formal speech level (0 data), informal speech level (17 data), over formal speech level (0 data), motherese speech level (0 data ), and reporting speech level (0 data) and then Oca’ Bhasa (07 data), Oca’ Mapas Kasar (10 data). While, there are 4 factors result in usage of speech level, participant (4 data), setting (4 data), topic (4 data), and function (5 data). Keywords: : Types of the speech level, Factors result in usage of the speech level, Speech level used seller and buyer at Pasar Besar Sri Mangunan, Gunung Sekar, Sampang.

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