Detail Karya Ilmiah

    Dosen Pembimbing I : Erika Citra Sari Hartanto, S.S., M.Hum.
    Dosen Pembimbing II :

    This research entitled “The Shifting of Gender Role in Lawrence Hill’s Someone Knows My Name. The background of this study is gender roles especially traditional gender role caused many discriminations and unfairness which harm the women. For example, women only do something which is related to the house and domesticity. But now, it has been changed. Women are able to have another job outside the house. This study intends to describe the shifting of gender role which is portrayed in Someone Knows My Name and other characters in the novel respond to the changes. This study uses qualitative research design because the data is the form of word. The writer is the key instrument of this research because she is the only one who conduct all of the process of this study. The data of this study is the characters’ utterances and the author’s narration in Someone Knows My Name. the technique of collecting data is close reading. The technique on analyzing data is data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion. This research finds that the changes of gender role include domestic to public, nurture to neglect, submissive to aggressive, weak to strong, and dependent to independent. The group of characters who accept the changes are portrayed the society who agree with the equality beyond men and women, and vice versa.


    This research entitled “The Shifting of Gender Role in Lawrence Hill’s Someone Knows My Name. The background of this study is gender roles especially traditional gender role caused many discriminations and unfairness which harm the women. For example, women only do something which is related to the house and domesticity. But now, it has been changed. Women are able to have another job outside the house. This study intends to describe the shifting of gender role which is portrayed in Someone Knows My Name and other characters in the novel respond to the changes. This study uses qualitative research design because the data is the form of word. The writer is the key instrument of this research because she is the only one who conduct all of the process of this study. The data of this study is the characters’ utterances and the author’s narration in Someone Knows My Name. the technique of collecting data is close reading. The technique on analyzing data is data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion. This research finds that the changes of gender role include domestic to public, nurture to neglect, submissive to aggressive, weak to strong, and dependent to independent. The group of characters who accept the changes are portrayed the society who agree with the equality beyond men and women, and vice versa.

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