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  • Female Character's Struggle to Get Symbolic Capital in Daisy Goodwin's The American Heiress
    Penulis : Tiara Widya Iswara
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Erika Citra Sari Hartanto, S.S.,M.Hum.
    Dosen Pembimbing II :


    ABSTRACT Iswara, T.W. CHARACTER’S STRUGGLE TO GET SYMBOLIC CAPITAL IN DAISY GOODWIN’S THE AMERICAN HEIRESS Thesis. English Study Program of Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Trunojoyo Madura. Advisor: Erika Citra Sari Hartanto,S.S.,M.Hum The female characters struggle among Cora Cash and Charlotte in The American Heiress is very interesting to be discussed because the story tells about the sacrifice love which containing contestation desired multicultural identities, the differences of traditions, customs, and values especially for the identity. They do the contestation to get the symbolic capital as the new Duchess. This study is aimed to analyze the struggles of female characters to get symbolic capital which focus on Cora Cash and Charlotte symbolic struggle. To support this study, the practice of theory by Pierre Bourdieu is used as a concept of the symbolic struggle which involved to the contestation each character. The nature of this study is qualitative research. The data are the utterances of the characters and author narrations that related to the symbolic struggle. The data collected after the writer read, reread the novel, give underline in the female characters utterances and the author narration. The methods to analyze the data are reducing the data, displaying the data, and drawing the conclusion base on the research problem. The result of this study is Cora Cash and Charlotte are done the struggle to get the symbolic capital, they have different amount of the capital which Cora is more accomplish all of the capitals than Charlotte. It can be seen by the movement of Cora’s position is different before she is going to England and after she is going to England. Her first coming to England she is the new comer, she tries to show her strategy until she gets the symbolic capital as the wife of the Duke. Keywords: symbolic struggle, the practice theory and Pierre Bourdieu

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