Detail Karya Ilmiah

    Penulis : Retno Diyah Pramana Sari
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Achmad Ubaidillah Ms, ST.,MT
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Riza Alfita, ST.,MT

    Di era internet saat ini dimana jaringan baik 3G maupun 4G sangat populer dengan kehidupan masyarakat perkotaan dan perlahan network 2G mulai ditinggalkan seiring perkembangan device handset. Lain halnya dengan yang terjadi di Madura, tren penggunaan handset 2G masih populer dengan layanan legacy yaitu SMS dan telepon. Hal ini tentunya tercermin pula pada peningkatan traffic usage yang merangkak naik sehingga diantisipasi dengan melakukan expand capacity agar mengurangi blocking service yang terjadi. Frekuensi 850 Mhz yang dahulu dimiliki operator CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access)Telkom Flexi, kemudian bergeser menjadi milik Smartfren dan akan dialihkan fungsi menjadi GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) yang dioperasikan Telkomsel Madura. Penggunaan ex-Frekuensi milik Flexi tersebut digunakan Telkomsel untuk expand capacity dengan menggunakan frekuensi E-GSM (Extention-GSM). Implementasi E-GSM di lapangan menggunakan RRU (Remote Radio Unit) ex-project LTE (Long Term Evolution) 900 MHz yang pernah digelar Telkomsel pada saat launching layanan 4G pertama kali. Pengalihan fungsi frekuensi berjalan dengan baik yang menghasilkan nilai rata-rata Drive Test Before Rx Level = 87.969%, Rx Qual = 87.791%, SQI = 80.809% dan Drive Test After Rx Level = 91.967%, Rx Qual = 89.926%, SQI = 82.049%. Traffic before 503.296 dan Traffic after 627 Erlang. Blocking before 24.36% dan Blocking after 1.6%. Kata kunci: E-GSM-2G GSM, Pengalihan Fungsi Frekuensi, Peningkatan Kapasitas.


    In today is internet era where networks either 3G or 4G is very popular with urban communities and 2G network began slowly abandoned over the handset device. Another case which occurred in Madura, 2G handset usage trend is still popular with legacy services i.e. SMS and phone. This is certainly reflected in the increase in traffic usage are creeping up so anticipated by doing expand capacity in order to reduce the blocking service is going. 850 Mhz frequency formerly owned operator of CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access), Telkom Flexi, later shifted to belong to Smart Telecom and transferred the function of being a GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) operated Telkomsel Madura. The use of ex-Frequency property of Flexi, Telkomsel is used to expand capacity by using E-frequency GSM (GSM-Extention). Implementation of the E-GSM in the field use the RRU (Remote Radio Unit) ex-project LTE (Long Term Evolution) 900 MHz ever held Telkomsel at a time when launching 4G service first. The transfer function of the frequency goes well that produces an average rating of Drive Test Before the Rx Level = 87,969%, Rx = 87,791% Adelgasar, SQI = 80,809% and Drive Test After Rx Level = 91,967% = 89,926 Adelgasar Rx,%, SQI = 82,049%. Traffic before 503,296 and after 627 Erlang Traffic. Blocking before 24.36% and 1.6% after Blocking. Keywords: E-2G GSM-GSM, the transfer function of frequency, capacity building.

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