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  • Pengukuran Kinerja Perusahaan Pakan Kucing (Studi Kasus: CV. Bahari Lestarindo)
    Penulis : Giyanti Citra Sujahroh
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Samsul Amar, S.T., M.Sc
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Agus Salim, S.T., M.T

    Penelitian ini membahas tentang pengukuran kinerja perusahaan pakan kucing pada CV. Bahari Lestarindo. Pengukuran dilakukan dengan menggunakan 4 atribut, yakni efficiency, flexibility, responsiveness, dan food quality. Pada masing-masing atribut terdapat indikator yang dijadikan sebagai tolak ukur dalam menghitung kinerja rantai pasoknya. Pada atribut efficiency terdapat indikator fix costs, variabel costs, profit, return of investment, dan inventory. Untuk atribut flexibility menggunakan indikator costumer satisfaction, volume flexibility, delivery flexibility, backorders, dan lost sales. Kemudian untuk atribut responsiveness terdapat indikator fill rate, product lateness, costumer response time, lead time, costumer complaints, dan shipping error. Dan untuk atribut food quality menggunakan indikator sensory properties and self life appearance, self life, production system characteristic traceability, energy use, water use, promotion, serta costumer service. Penelitian diawali dengan menormalisasikan tiap-tiap indikator untuk menyamakan parameter nilai skor tiap-tiap indikator menggunakan normalisasi Snorm De Boer. Kemudian menghitung nilai bobot masing-masing atribut dan indikator dengan menggunakan AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) yang digunakan untuk mengetahui prioritas pada atribut dan indikator tersebut. Hasil yang dapat diperoleh dari penelitian ini, untuk bobot atribut dari yang paling dipioritaskan adalah atribut flexibility = 0,551417039, kemudian atribut responsiveness = 0,324839865, yang ketiga atribut efficiency = 0,07606, dan terakhir atribut food quality = 0,047686841. Sedangkan nilai kinerja perusahaan pakan kucing pada perusahaan CV. Bahari Lestarindo adalah yang diperoleh adalah 64,63946367 dari target skor perusahaan = 90 sehingga CV. Bahari Lestarindo memiliki tingkat pencapaian = 71,82% dan masih dalam kriteria rata-rata. Kata kunci: kinerja, perusahaan, pakan kucing, AHP, ef?ciency, ?exibility, responsiveness, food quality.


    The research discusses performance measurement company of the cat feed on a CV. Bahari Lestarindo. The measurement is carried out using 4 attributes, namely efficiency, flexibility, responsiveness, and food quality. On each of the attributes there are indicators that serve as a benchmark in calculating the performance chain. On the attribute of efficiency there is an indicator of fix costs, variable costs, profit, return of investment, and inventory. Flexibility for attributes using the indicator of customer satisfaction, flexibility, volume flexibility delivery, backorders, and lost sales. Then there is the indicator of responsiveness to attribute the fill rate, product lateness, customer response time, lead time, customer complaints, and shipping errors. And to attribute food quality using indicators of sensory properties and self-life appearance, self life, production system, traceability, the last American energy use, water use, promotion, and customer service. Research begins with the normalization of each indicator to equate the parameter value of the score for each indicator using normalization Snorm De Boer. Then calculate the value of each attribute weights and indicators by using AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) which is used to know the priority on attributes and indicators. The results that may be obtained from this research, for weighting attributes of the most flexibility is the attribute dipioritaskan = 0.551417039, then the attribute responsiveness = 0.324839865, the third attribute efficiency = 0.07606, and last attributes of food quality = 0.047686841. While the value of the company's performance feed cat on CV Bahari Lestarindo is obtained 64.63946367 from the target company's score = 90. So CV Bahari Lestarindo have levels of achievement = 71.82% criteria and are still in the average. Keywords: Performance, Company, feed the cat, AHP, ef?ciency, ?exibility, responsiveness, food quality

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