Detail Karya Ilmiah

    Penulis : Farhan
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Maulinna Kusumo Wardhani, S.Kel., M.Si
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Zainul Hidayah, S.Pi., M.App. Sc.

    Pulau Poteran adalah Pulau yang terletak di sebelah tenggara Pulau Madura yang termasuk dalam perairan yang memiliki topografi perairan landai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik, nilai komponen, dan elevasi muka air pasang surut dengan menggunakan metode admiralty dan least square. Pengambilan data pasang surut selama 15 hari (tanggal 17 Mei-31 Mei 2017) di perairan Pulau Poteran menggunakan papan skala. Hasil pengolahan data menggunakan metode admiralty diperoleh nilai bilangan Formzahl 1,04 untuk data primer dan 1,14 untuk data sekunder, sedangkan pada metode least square diperoleh nilai bilangan Formzahl 1,02 untuk data primer dan 0,79 untuk data sekunder; sehingga dapat dikategorikan dalam tipe pasang surut campuran condong ke harian ganda (nilai bilangan Formzahl 0,25


    Poteran an island in the southeast of the island of Madura in waters that have a topographic slope waters . This research aims to know the characteristics, the value of the component, and elevation faces the tides by using least square method and the admiralty. Tidal data retrieval for 15 days (the date of 17 May-31 1 May 2017) in the waters of the island of Poteran using a Board scale. This measurement data compared with secondary data. The results of the data processing method using the admiralty obtained value NUM. Formzahl 1.04 for primary data and 1,14 for secondary data, whereas at least square method of the retrieved value NUM. Formzahl 1.02 to primary data and 0.79 for the secondary data; so can be categorized in the tidal type mixture leaning to the daily double (value NUM. Formzahl 0.25 < F ? 1,5). Tidal Harmonic component analysis shows the value of the highest amplitude admiralty found on components of S0 retrieved from primary data analysis of 78 cm and there are the lowest on the component K 2 of 2 cm, whereas the results of the analysis using secondary data obtained the highest amplitude value is present on the components of N2 of 30 cm and the lowest refractory component K2 of 1 cm on the least square method of using primary data obtained the value of amplitude components are present in highest S0 of 78 cm and lowest is present on the components of the M2 and MS4 with each got a value of 2 cm, whereas the results of the analysis using secondary data obtained the largest amplitude value on components of M2 of 39 cm and lowest component is present on the M4 of 0.1 cm. parameTER-face water elevation are calculated, using methods such as admiralty MSL, HWL, LWL, HHWL, MHWL, LLWL, MLWL row 0.7 m,; 1.8 m; 0.06 m; 1.3 m; 1.2 m; 0.5 m; 0.6 m (primary data) and 0.1 m; 1.3 m; -0.9 m; 1.3 m; 1.4 m; 0.9 m; 0.8 m (secondary data). the face of the water elevation parameters are calculated using the least square method, including MSL, HWL, LWL, HHWL, MHWL, LLWL, MLWLberturut-join in 0.7 m,; 1.8 m; 0.06 m; 1.1 m; 2.3 m; -0.6 m; 0.1 m (primary data) and 0.1 m; 1.3 m; -0.9 m; 1.6 m; 2 m; -1.2 m; -0.4 m (secondary data)

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