Detail Karya Ilmiah
ANALISIS COOKING QUALITY, TEKSTUR, DAN SENSORIS MI KERING DARI TEPUNG KREKEL SINGKONG (Manihot esculenta) DAN SARI TOMAT (Lycopersicum esculentum)Penulis : Desy Ayu RatnasariDosen Pembimbing I : Ir. Umi Purwandari, M.App.Sc., P.hDDosen Pembimbing II :Millatul Ulya, S.TP., MTAbstraksi
Indonesia tercatat sebagai negara pengkonsumsi mi instan terbesar di dunia setelah Cina dan Hong kong sebanyak 13.200 juta kemasan per tahun. Mi yang ada di Indonesia umumnya terbuat dari tepung terigu. Jumlah kenaikan impor gandum di Indonesia pada tahun 2014 sebanyak 7,23% dari tahun sebelumnya yaitu 510.527 ton. Pemanfaatan tepung krekel singkong sebagai bahan baku pembuatan mi menjadi upaya mengurangi impor gandum Indonesia. Penambahan sari buah tomat pada produk mi kering tepung krekel singkong diharapkan dapat menambah nilai gizi pada mi kering dan dapat memberi warna dan rasa yang baik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh proporsi sari tomat dan tepung terhadap cooking quality, tekstur dan sesoris mi kering. Desain penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok Faktorial (RAKF). Terdapat 3 perlakuan pada masing-masing faktor yaitu: proporsi sari tomat (1:3,5; 1:4,0; 1:4,5) dan proporsi tepung (1:0,9; 1:1,0; 1:1,1). Hasil diperoleh proporsi sari tomat, tepung, dan kelompok berpengaruh signifikan terhadap cooking time dan tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap cooking loss. Cooking time mi kering (6,30-7,17 menit) dan presentase cooking loss (4,300-8,750%). Proporsi sari tomat berpengaruh signifikan terhadap nilai hardness, gumminess, dan resilience. Sedangkan proporsi tepung berpengaruh signifikan terhadap hardness, adhesiveness, springiness, cohesiveness, gumminess, dan chewiness. Hasil pengujian diperoleh hasil nilai parameter hardness berkisar (146,9781g-188,1321g), adhesiveness (-2,1851 hingga -3,7424), springiness (6,72-12,32), cohesiveness (0,7862-0,9021), gumminess (127,50-146,65), chewiness (933,35-1548,67) dan resilience (1,135 hingga 1,212). Proporsi sari tomat tidak memberikan pengaruh signifikan terhadap semua parameter yang diuji, yaitu: warna, aroma, rasa, tekstur di mulut dan kesukaan keseluruhan. Proporsi tepung hanya memberikan pengaruh signifikan terhadap warna mi. Hasil pengujian diperoleh skor warna berkisar (3,73-5,97), aroma (4,53-5,57), rasa (4,47-5,13), tekstur di mulut (4,83-5,57), dan skor kesukaan keseluruhan (5,17-5,60). Kata Kunci: Mi kering, sari tomat, tepung krekel singkong
AbstractionIndonesia noted as the largest consuming country of instant noodle in the world after China and Hong Kong for 13.200 million packs per year. Generally, noodles in Indonesia are made from wheat flour. The amount of the increase in import of wheat in Indonesia in 2014 is 7,23% from the previous year that is 510.527 tons. The utilization of cassava krekel flour as a raw material for making noodle becomes an effort to reduce wheat import Indonesia. The addition of tomato essence on dried noodle product of cassava krekel flour is expected to boost the nutritional value of the dried noodle and can give good color and taste. The objective of this study is to determine the effect of the proportion of tomato essence and flour on the cooking quality, texture, and sensory of dried noodle. The research design uses Factorial Group Random Design (FGRD). There are 3 treatments on each factor those are: the proportions of tomato essence are (1:3,5; 1:4,0; 1:4,5) and the proportions of flour are (1:0,9; 1:1,0; 1:1,1). The results show that the proportions of tomato essence, flour, and group have a significant effect on the cooking time and do not have significant effect on the cooking loss. The cooking time of dried noodle is (6,30-7,17 minutes) and the percentage of cooking loss is (4,300-8,750%). The proportion of tomato essence has significant effect on the value of hardness, gumminess, and resilience. Moreover, the proportion of flour has significant effect on the hardness, adhesiveness, springiness, cohesiveness, gumminess, and chewiness. The test results obtain the result of parameters’ value of hardness is (146,9781g-188,1321g), adhesiveness is (-2,1851 until -3,7424), springiness is (6,72-12,32), cohesiveness is (0,7862-0,9021), gumminess is (127,50-146,65), chewiness is (933,35-1548,67) and resilience is (1,135 until 1,212). The proportion of tomato essence does not give significant effect on all tested parameters, namely: color, aroma, taste, texture in the mouth, and the overall joy. The proportion of flour only gives significant effect on the color of noodle. The test results obtain the scores of color is (3,73-5,97), aroma is (4,53-5,57), taste is (4,47-5,13), texture in the mouth is (4,83-5,57), and the overall joy is (5,17-5,60). Keywords: Dried noodle, tomato essence, cassava krekel flour