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  • Pengujian Sifat Sensoris, Cooking Quality dan Tekstural Mi kering umbi suweg (Amorphophallus Campanulatus BI) Ternikstamalisasi
    Penulis : Elly Wijayanti
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Ir. Umi Purwandari, M. App.Sc.,Ph. D
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Askur Rahman, S. TP., MP

    ELLY WIJAYANTI. Pengujian Sifat Sensoris, Cooking Quality, dan Tekstural Mi Kering Umbi Suweg (Amorphophallus Campanulatus BI) Ternikstamalisasi. Di bawah bimbinngan Ir. Umi Purwandari, M.App.Sc., Ph.D dan Askur Rahman, S.TP., MP ABSTRAK Mi merupakan makanan ringan yang berbahan baku dari tepung terigu dan sangat diminati oleh penduduk di Indonesia. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pembuatan produk mi kering berbahan dasar dari tepung umbi suweg dengan modifikasi sebelum proses penepungan yaitu proses nikstamalisasi. Pembuatan mi kering umbi suweg murni menggunakan tepung umbi suweg ternikstamalisasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses pembuatan mi kering umbi suweg ternikstamalisasi dan mendapatkan nilai uji sensoris, cooking quality, dan tekstural mi kering umbi suweg ternikstamalisasi. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap Faktorial (RALF) dengan dua faktorial diantaranya proporsi tepung umbi suweg ternikstamalisasi dengan air (1:4, 1:5, 1:6) dan proporsi gel dengan tepung umbi suweg ternikstamalisasi (1:0,9, 1:1, 1:1,1). Pengujian dilakukan secara sensoris, cooking quality, dan tekstural menggunakan alat berupa texture analyzer. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proporsi air berpengaruh nyata terhadap hardness, adhesiveness, cohesiveness, gumminess, chewiness, dan resilience. Sedangkan untuk proporsi tepung berpengaruh nyata pada cooking loss dan cohesiveness. Pada pengujian sensoris diperoleh nilai parameter warna berkisar antara 4,83-5,70, aroma 4,36-5,20, tekstur di mulut 4,90- 5,73, rasa 4,56-5,46, dan kesukaan keseluruhan 5,00-5,53. Pengujian cooking quality ada dua parameter diantaranya cooking loss diperoleh nilai 1,68%-3,22% dan water absorption 187,078%-223,625%. Dan pegujian tekstur dengan parameter uji hardness diperoleh nilai berkisar antara 449,073-816,158, adhesivenes (-2,198)- (-5,142), springiness 0,926-1,850, cohesiveness 0,537-0,653, gumminess 288,706- 522,269, chewiness 273,074-538,221 dan resilience 0,786-1,360. Kata kunci : Umbi Suweg, Mi Kering, Sensoris, Cooking Quality dan Tekstural


    ELLY WIJAYANTI. Pengujian Sifat Sensoris, Cooking Quality, dan Tekstural Mi Kering Umbi Suweg (Amorphophallus Campanulatus BI) Ternikstamalisasi. Di bawah bimbinngan Ir. Umi Purwandari, M.App.Sc., Ph.D dan Askur Rahman, S.TP., MP SENSORY, COOKING QUALITY, AND TEXTURAL PROPERTIES OF GLUTEN-FREE NOODLE MADE FROM NIXTAMALISED ELEPHANT FOOT YAM ABSTRACT Noodle is a food made from wheat flour and in great demand by indonesia population. This research was conducted on the manufacture of dried noodles product made from the flour of elephant foot yam with modifications before the process manufacture of flour named nixtamalised process. Manufacture of dry pure elephant foot yam noodle using flour nixtamalised elephant foot yam. This research aims to know the process of making a tuber ofelephant foot yam nixtamalised dried noodles and get values test sensory, cooking quality, and tekstural noodle nixtamalised elephant foot yam to dry. The experimental design used was random complete factorial design (ralf) with two factorial including the proportion of elephant foot yam of nixtamalised starch with water (1:4, 1:5, 1:6) and the proportion of gel with flour nixtamalised elephant foot yam (1:0, 9, 1:1, 1:1.1). Testing done on sensory, cooking quality, and tekstural using the tool in the form of texture analyzer. The results showed that the proportion of water hardness against the real effect, adhesiveness, cohesiveness, gumminess, chewiness, and resilience. As for the real effect on the proportion of flour cooking loss and cohesiveness. On testing sensory color parameter values obtained range between 4,83-5.70, aroma 4,36-5.20, 4.90 in the mouth texture-5.73, a 4.56-5.46, and overall favorite 5.00-5,53. Testing the cooking quality parameters of which there are two cooking loss obtained the value of 1.68%-3.22% and water absorption 187,078%-223.625%. Testing of texture with the parameter hardness test values obtained range between 449,073-816,158, adhesivenes (-2,198)-(-5,142), springiness 0,926-1,850, cohesiveness 0,537-0,653, gumminess 288,706-522,269, chewiness 273,074-538,221 and resilience 0,786-1,360. Keywords: Elephant Foot Yam, Dried Noodles, Sensory, Cooking Quality and Tekstural

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