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Pengembangan Produk Olahan Rumput Laut dengan Metode QFD (Quality Function Deployment)Penulis : RANGGA BAYU KARTIKODosen Pembimbing I : Millatul Ulya, S.TP.MTDosen Pembimbing II :Rakhmawati, S.TP.,MTAbstraksi
Indonesia merupakan negara dengan wilayah laut lebih besar dari pada daratanya. Rumput laut adalah salah satu komoditi yang cukup produktif di Indonesia. Rumput laut (seaweed) merupakan hasil perikanan yang bukan berupa ikan, tetapi berupa tanaman. Semakin majunya jaman menjadikan inovasi produk agar konsumen tidak bosan karena kepuasan konsumen merupakan prioritas utama maka dari itu perlu adanya mengolahan produk selai rumput laut. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui produk olahan rumput laut yang diinginkan konsumen, dapat mengetahui atribut yang diinginkan oleh konsumen dengan menggunakan metode QFD. Hasil pengolahan data dan analisis yang dilakukan dalam perancangan dan pengembangan produk selai rumput laut yaitu Penentuan produk responden diberikan dua macam pilihan pengembangan produk dari rumput laut yaitu selai rumput laut dan kerupuk rumput laut. Responden lebih banyak memilih selai rumput laut, Atribut kebutuhan konsumen yang di dapatkan dari reponden sebanyak dua belas atribut, yaitu memiliki rasa manis, warna selai tidak mencolok, tekstur lembut, tidak menimbulkan aftertaste, tahan lama, halal, kemasan mudah dibuka, desain kemasan menarik, kemasan botol kaca, ada tanggal kadaluwarsa, ada PIRT nya, da nada komposisi produk. Persyaratan teknis didapatkan dari studi literatur di peroleh sepuluh macam persayratan teknis yaitu jenis bahan baku, jumlah gula, jumlah pewarna, lama pemasakan, tekanan pengemasan, pemilihan gambar warna, jumlah total mikroba, jumlah pengawet, jenis kemasan, dan keamanan pangan.
AbstractionIndonesia is also a country with larger sea areas than its lands. Seaweed is one of the quite productive commodities in Indonesia. Seaweed is a fishery product that is not a fish, but a plant. As the era is getting more advanced, it is necessary to make product innovation so that consumers will not get bored since consumers’ satisfaction is the main priority then it is necessary to process seaweed jam product. The purpose of this study were to know the desired processed seaweed product of the consumers and to be able to know the desired attributes of the consumers by using QFD method. The results of data processing and analysis that have been done in the design and development of seaweed jam products was Determination of respondents products which were given in two kinds of product development options of seaweed, they were seaweed jam and seaweed crackers. More respondents chose the seaweed jam, the attributes of consumer requirements got from repondents were twelve attributes, have sweet taste, the color of the jam is not striking, soft texture, do not cause aftertaste, durable, halal, the packaging is easy to open, interesting packaging design, glass bottle packaging, there is an expiration date, there is PIRT, and there are product compositions. The technical requirements which were obtained from the literature study showed ten kinds of technical requirements, they were raw materials, the quantity of sugar, the quantity of dyes, the duration of cooking, the packaging pressure, the drawing color selection, the total of all microba, the amount of preservatives, the packaging type, and food safety.