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    Dosen Pembimbing I : ASKUR RAHMAN. STP., Mp.
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Ir. UMI PURWANDARI M. App. Sc. Ph. D

    Suatu varian mi bebas gluten dibuat dari daging ikan gabus, tepung porang, dan tepung beras. Komposisi mi dimodelkan menggunakan metode tanggap permukaan (Response Surface Methodology) dengan dua faktor, dan masing-masing faktor memiliki lima aras. Faktor pertama berupa konsentrasi perbandingan daging ikan gabus dan tepung beras (40 : 60, 50 : 50, 60 : 40, 70 : 30 dan 80 : 20 g/g) dan faktor kedua berupa konsentrasi tepung porang (2, 3, 4, 5 dan 6 g). Tepung porang ditambahkan untuk mencapai 100 gram bahan. Sifat tekstural mi diuji dengan analisis profil tekstur menggunakan texture analyzer (TAXT Plus, Stable Micro System, UK). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa analisis sensoris dengan proporsi ikan gabus sebanyak 80 gram dan tepung porang sebanyak 6 gram kurang disukai oleh panelis. Sedangkan hasil analisis tekstural menunjukkan bahwa dengan proporsi ikan gabus sebanyak 80 gram dan tepung porang sebanyak 6 gram berpengaruh terhadap hardness, springiness, cohesiveness, gumminess dan chewiness. Hasil uji anti-obesitas dipengaruhi oleh hari sehingga tidak ada efek anti-obesitas mi porang. Tetapi mi porang menunjukkan efek hipolipidemik. Optimasi mi porang menunjukkan bahwa nilai optimal ikan gabus sebesar 40,4040 gram dan tepung porang sebesar 4,1414 gram dengan nilai Desirability sebesar 0,7365. Kata kunci: Tepung porang, ikan gabus, mi, anti-obesitas, RSM


    A type of gluten-free noodle was made from snake head meat, porang flour, and rice flour. A response surface experimental design was employed with two factors and five levels for each factor. The first fatcor was proportion of the fish meat and rice flour (40 : 60, 50 : 50, 60 : 40, 70 : 30 and 80 : 20 g/g) and the second factor was porang flour concentration (2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 g). Porang flour was added to get 100 gram of raw material. The textural characteristic of noodle was examined using texture profile analysis on a texture analyzer (TAXT Plus, Stable Micro System, U.K). The result showed that sensory analysis fish and rice flour mix concentration influenced hardness, springiness, cohesiveness, gumminess and chewiness. The result of anti-obecity experiment is influenced by time. Therefore, there was no anti-obesity effect of porang noodle, but porang noodle showed hipolipidemic activities. The optimation of porang noodle showed that the optimum concentration of snake head meat and rice flour was 40:40 g/g gram and porang flour as much as 4,1414 g; with desirability precentage was 0,7365. Keywords: Porang flour, snake head meat, noodle, anti-obesity, RSM

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