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    ABSTRAK Penelitian “Peran UKM Dalam Meningkatkan Ekonomi Masyarakat Muslim Kabupaten Nganjuk, Studi Kasus UKM Maju Bersama Wong Bayu Desa Bagor Kulon, Kecamatan Bagor, Kabupaten Nganjuk” dilatarbelakangi oleh peran dalam peningkatan perekonomian masyarakat muslim atas berdirirnya UKM Maju Bersama Wong Bayu di Desa Bagor Kulon, Kecamatan Bagor, Kabupaten Nganjuk. Adapun rumusan masalah diantaranya: Bagaimana peran UKM Maju Bersama Wong Bayu dalam meningkatkan ekonomi masyarakat muslim Desa Bagor Kulon Kecamatan Bagor Kabupaten Nganjuk ? Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif metode lapangan (field research) dengan teknik analisis data reduction, data display, dan conclusion drawing/verivication. Dalam analisis data penelitian dilakukan mereduksi data atau merangkum hal-hal pokok dalam permasalahan yang diteliti melalui wawancara, kuesioner, dan analisis data dokumentasi. Rangkuman tersebut disajikan dalam bentuk teks naratif berisi hasil pengumpulan data oleh peneliti. Data yang telah tersaji ditarik kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa UKM Maju Bersama Wong Bayu Desa Bagor Kulon memberkan peran peningkatan terhadap perekonomian masyarakat muslim Kabupaten Nganjuk terutama bagi warga Desa Bagor Kulon, Kecamatan Bagor Kabupaten Nganjuk yang berprofesi sebagai karyawan UKM Maju Bersama Wong Bayu Desa Bagor Kulon. Dibuktikan dengan bertambahnya pemasukan keuangan mereka dari hasil bekerja di UKM Maju Bersama Wong Bayu Desa Bagor Kulon. Untuk para petani, peternak ikan, dan para pedagang merasakan peran UKM Maju Bersama Wong Bayu Desa Bagor Kulon ditunjukkan dalam bentuk kemudahan mereka mendistribusikan hasil panen atau dagangan mereka ketika hasilnya melimpah. Kata Kunci: Peran UKM, UKM Maju Bersama Wong Bayu.


    ABSTRACT The study entitled “The Role of UKM in Improving Economy of Muslim Community in Nganjuk, A Case Study of UKM Maju Bersama Wong Bayu of Bagor Kulon Village, Bagor Sub district, Nganjuk Regency” is motivated by the role in improving the economy of the Muslim community for the establishment of UKM Maju Bersama Wong Bayu of Bagor Kulon Village, Bagor Sub district, Nganjuk Regency. Moreover, the research problem of this study is: How is the role of UKM Maju Bersama Wong Bayu in improving the income of Muslim community in Bagor Kulon Village, Bagor Sub district, Nganjuk Regency? The study uses qualitative research method of the field (field research) with the technique of analysis is data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusion/verification. Data analysis of the study is conducted by reducing the data or summarizing the key points in the problem that analyzed through interview, questionnaire, and the analysis of documentation data. The summary is displayed in the form of narrative text that contains the results of data collected by the writer. From the displayed data, the conclusion is drawn from the results of the study The results of the study show that UKM Maju Bersama Wong Bayu of Bagor Kulon Village has a role in improving the economy of Muslim community in Nganjuk Regency, especially for the people in Bagor Kulon Village, Bagor Sub district, Nganjuk Regency that work as the employees of UKM Maju Bersama Wong Bayu of Bagor Kulon Village. It is proven by the increasing of their financial income from their work in UKM Maju Bersama Wong Bayu of Bagor Kulon Village. For farmers, fish farmers, and traders, the role of UKM Maju Bersama Wong Bayu of Bagor Kulon Village can be shown in the form of their ease to distribute their harvest or their products when the results are abundant, so it can accelerate the capital turnover. Keywords: The Role of UKM, UKM Maju Bersama Wong Bayu.

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