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    ABSTRAK Skripsi dengan judul “Model Distribusi Usaha Jamur Pada Kelompok Masyarakat Petani Jamur Maju Makmur Di Desa Wadungasih Kecamatan Buduran Kabupaten Sidoarjo Ditinjau Dari Perspektif Ekonomi Islam” ini merupakan penelitian yang dilakukan untuk menjawab rumusan masalah tentang bagaimana model distribusi usaha budidaya jamur tiram pada kelompok masyarakat petani jamur di desa wadungasih jika ditinjau dari perspektif ekonomi islam. Metode penelitian yang digunakan, mengacu pada pendekatan diskripstif kualitatif dengan subyek penelitian adalah kelompok masyarakat petani jamur di desa wadungasih, sedangkan obyek penelitian adalah model distribusi usaha jamur pada kelompok masyarakat petani jamur maju makmur di desa wudungasih, sumber data penelitian ialah data primer dan sekunder, analisis data penelitian ialah reduksi data, penyajian data, kesimpulan/verifikasi serta uji keabsahan data sedangkan data diperoleh melalui wawancara dan angket. Hasil penelitian berdasarkan pembahasan dapat disimpulkan tentang model distribusi usaha jamur pada kelompok masyarakat petani jamur maju makmur di Desa Wadungasih Kecamatan Buduran Kabupaten Sidoarjo melalui: Pertama, saluran distribusi baglog yang melalui produsen ke konsumen. Kedua, saluran distribusi hasil panen jamur yang melalui produsen ke konsumen. Ketiga, saluran distribusi hasil panen jamur yang melalui produsen ke pengecer sebelum jatuh kepada konsumen terakhir. Sehingga model distribusi yang dilakukan dalam kegiatan masyarakat petani jamur maju makmur jika ditinjau dengan tujuan distribusi ekonomi islam yang dimasukkan dalam tujuan dakwah, tujuan pendidikan, tujuan sosial, dan tujuan ekonomi, selain itu juga ditinjau melalui distribusi pendapatan telah sesuai dengan sistem distribusi ekonomi islam. Kata Kunci: Model Distribusi, Perspektif Ekonomi Islam.


    ABSTRACT Thesis with the title "Model of the distribution Business of mushrooms In Mushroom Farmer community group Advancing Prosperous in the village of Wadungasih sub-district of Sidoarjo Regency Buduran Reviewed from the perspective of Islamic Economy" it is research done to address the formulation of the problem of how to model the distribution of oyster mushroom cultivation venture on a mushroom farmer community group in the village of Wadungasih if the economic perspective of Islam. Research methods used, referring to the approach of qualitative research to the subject diskripstif was a group of mushroom farmer community in the village of wadungasih, while the object of research is the business model of the distribution of the fungus on a mushroom farmer community group advancing prosperous in the village of wudungasih, the source of research data is a primary and secondary data, analysis of research data is the reduction of the data, the presentation of data, as well as test/verification conclusion validity data whereas data obtained through interviews and question form. Research results on the basis of the discussion can be inferred about the distribution business model fungus on fungus farmer community group advancing prosperous in the village of Wadungasih sub-district of Sidoarjo Regency Buduran through distribution channels: first, a baglog through manufacturers to consumers. Second, the distribution channels mushroom harvest through manufacturers to consumers. Third, the distribution channels mushroom harvest through manufacturers to retailers before falling to the consumer. So the distribution model is done in community activities mushroom farmers advancing prosperous if reviewed with the aim of economic distribution of islam included in the the purpose of da'wah, educational objectives, goals, and objectives of the social economy, it also reviewed through the distribution of income has been the economic distribution system in accordance with islam. Keywords: Model Distribution, Economic Perspective Of Islam.

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