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    Penulis : ZamzamatulMabruroh
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Dr. Abdur Rahman, S.Ag., M.EI
    Dosen Pembimbing II :

    ABSTRAK IMPLEMENTASI AKAD MUDH?RABAH PADA TRADISI NGOWAN SAPI BETINA DI DESA TEMORAN Penelitian yang berjudul Implementasi Akad Mudh?rabah Pada Tradisi Ngowan Sapi Betina Di Desa Temoran dengan rumusan masalah Implementasi Akad Mudh?rabah terhadap praktek bagi hasil ngowan sapi di Desa Temoran yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah bagi hasil ngowan sapi betina sudah sesuai dengan Akad mudh?rabah. Jenis penelitian adalah kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif analisis yakni mendiskripsikan suatu bentuk penelitian yang menggambarkan dengan lebih jelas mengenai fenomena-fenomena sosial yakni praktek bagi hasil ngowan sapi di Desa Temoran dan kemudian menganalisisnya dengan tinjauan Akad mudh?rabah, sumber data yang didapat adalah dari data wawancara dan juga buku profil desa dan web resmi Sampang. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik wawancara dan jenis wawancaranya adalah wawancara semi terstuktur dengan jumlah subjek 12 mudh?rib dan 5 sh?hib-al-M?l. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa ngowan sapi di Desa Temoran belum sepenuhnya sesuai dengan Akad mudh?rabah, dalam rukun mudh?rabah sudah sesuai, namun pada syarat sah mudh?rabah yakni syarat laba belum sesuai.ketidak sesuaian ini dapat dilihat dari pelaksanaan bagi hasil ngowan sapi betina yang merugikan mudh?rib,yang mana pihakmudh?rib belum mendapatkan keuntungan dari hasil merawat sapi apabila sapi betina belum memiliki dua anak, karena perjanjian awal bagi hasilnya adalah satu anak untuk mudh?ribdan satu anak untukSh?hib-al-M?l. Kata Kunci: Ngowan Sapi, Mudh?rabah


    ABSTRACT IMPLEMENTATION OF MUDH?RABAHIN TRADITION OF LOOK AFTER FEMALE COW AT THE VILLAGE OF TEMORAN This study entitled Implementation of Mudh?rabah in Tradition of Look after a Female Cow at the Village ofTemoran with statements problemof Implementation mudh?rabah toward the activity of profit sharing of the cows in the village of Temoran which aims to determine whether the results of look after the cows are in accordance with mudh?rabah. This research belongs to is descriptive qualitative analysis which describes the form of research that illustrates more clearly about the social phenomena that is profit sharing of look after the cow in the village of Temoran and then analyze it by reviewing data withmudh?rabah, the source of the data is obtained from the interviews and also village profile book and also the official web of Sampang district. Data collection technique used in this study is interview techniques and the type of the interview itself is a semi-structured interview with a number of subjects 12 mudh?rib and 5 sh?hib-al-M?l. Thes result indicates that cows in the village Temoran are not fully in accordance with the mudh?rabah.,mudh?rabah is appropriate in the pillars, but on condition that the legitimate mudh?rabah profit requirement is not appropriate. Discrepancies can be seen from the implementation of the results of look after cow adverse mudh?rib, which the mudh?ribis not benefited from the results of caring for cow when cow does not already have two children, because the initial agreement for the result is a child to mudh?rib and the other one is for sh?hib -al- M?l. Keywords: Look after cow,Mudh?rabah

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