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    Penggunaan model Project Based Learning dan model Problem Based Learning dapat menyajikan pembelajaran IPA secara ideal. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui perbandingan hasil belajar IPA siswakelas IV SDN Bancaran 03 dengan penerapan model Project Based Learning dan Problem Based Learning. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah True Experimental Design. Populasinya adalah seluruh siswa kelas IV SDN Bancaran 03 tahun pelajaran 2015/2016. Sampel merupakan sampel jenuh, seluruh populasi digunakan dalam penelitian.Uji hipotesis dilakukan dengan independent sample t test menggunakan nilai posttest siswa setelah diterapkan perlakuan berbeda, diperoleh thitung -3,46 dengan taraf signifikansi 5% dan dk 46 dengan ttabel diperoleh 2,012, karena thitung = -3,46 ? -ttabel = -2,012 maka Ho ditolak. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada perbedaan hasil belajar antara penerapan model pembelajaran Project Based Learning dan Problem Based Learning pada kelas IV SDN Bancaran 03. Rata-rata hasil belajar 74,58 dan nilai rata-rata uji Gain 0,59 dengan interpretasi sedang untuk kelas Problem Based Learning. Rata-rata hasil belajar 81,46 dan nilai rata-rata uji Gain 0,71 dengan interpretasi tinggi untuk kelas Project Based Learning. Implikasi dari penelitian inia dalah pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model Project Based Learning mendapatkan hasil belajar lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan menggunakan model Problem Based Learning pada materi sumber energi panas dan bunyi. Kata Kunci: Model Project Based Learning, Model Problem Based Learning, hasilbelajardanperbandingan.


    The Use of Project Based Learning Model and Problem Based Learning Model can provide ideal science learning. This study is aimed to know the comparison of science learning result of the students at class IV SDN Bancaran 03 Bangkalan with the application of Project Based Learning Model and Problem Based Learning Model. Method of the study is True Experimental Design. The population is all of the students at class IV of SDN Bancaran 03 in the academic year of 2015/2016. The sample is saturated sample that all of the population is used in this study. Hypothesis test which is conducted by using independent sample t test with the students’ posttest value after different treatment is applied, it is obtained that tcount is -3,46 with a significant level of 5% and dk 46 with ttable is 2,012, because tcount = -3,46 ? -ttable = -2,012, so Ho is rejected. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is a difference between the application of Project Based Learning instructional model and Problem Based Learning instructional model at class IV of SDN Bancaran 03. The average of learning result is 74,58 and the average value of Gain test is 0,59 with moderate interpretation for Problem Based Learning class. The average of learning result is 81,46 and the average value of Gain test is 0,71 with high interpretation for Project Based Learning class. The implication of this study is that learning using Project Based Learning model get higher learning result than using Problem Based Learning model on the material of thermal and sound energy sources. Keywords: Project Based Learning Model, Problem Based Learning Model, learning result, and comparison.

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