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IDENTIFIKASI STRATEGI PROBLEM SOLVING PADA PEMBACA NOVEL TEENLITPenulis : NURAFIFIDosen Pembimbing I : Nur Aziz Afandi, S.Psi., M.SiDosen Pembimbing II :Abstraksi
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui proses identifikasi strategi problem solving pada pembaca novel TeenLit. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif fenomenologi. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara semi terstruktur. Subjek dipilih dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Terdapat 3 subjek dalam penelitian ini yang merupakan pembaca novel TeenLit berusia remaja dan mengidentifikasi strategi problem solving dari tokoh novel TeenLit. Analisis data menggunakan teknik Miles and Huberman. Teknik keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi sumber dan triangulasi waktu. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan peneliti, proses identifikasi dalam strategi problem solving yang memenuhi dimensi dalam proses identifikasi. Pertama, proses secara tidak sadar pada pembaca novel yang terimajinasi dengan cerita novel yang dibaca sehingga pembaca novel secara tidak sengaja mengidentifikasi strategi problem solving yang dilakukan oleh tokoh novel karena tokoh novel memiliki strategi problem solving yang baik. Kedua, proses secara irasional yang sebenarnya pembaca novel TeenLit bisa menyelesaikan masalahnya sendiri. Akan tetapi, karena pembaca menyukai tokoh novel yang ada di cerita novel, cara penyelesaian masalah yang dilakukan tokoh novel harus diterapkan di kehidupan pembaca meskipun tokoh novel tidak ada dalam wujud nyata. Dan ketiga, pada proses identifikasi akan memiliki manfaat pada pembaca novel yaitu dengan menerapkan di kehidupan nyata pembaca strategi problem solving yang dilakukan tokoh novel, pembaca bisa menyelesaikan masalahnya dengan menggunakan strategi problem solving yang dilakukan oleh tokoh novel sehingga masalah yang dialami pembaca bisa diatasi dengan baik. Kata Kunci : Identifikasi, Strategi Problem Solving, Novel TeenLit.
AbstractionThe aim of this study is to know the identification process of problem solving strategy on TeenLit novel readers. Method of this study uses qualitative phenomenology. Method of collecting data uses semi-structured interview. The subjects are chosen by using purposive sampling method. There are 3 subjects in this study are the readers of TeenLit novel in teen age who identify the problem solving strategy from the characters in TeenLit novel. The Data analysis uses Miles and Huberman technique. Technique of validity of data uses triangulation of source and time. Based on the results of the study that is conducted by the writer, the identification process in problem solving strategy meets the dimensions in identification process. First, the unconsciously process of the novel readers who have an imagination by the story of the novel that read, so the readers do the identification of problem solving strategy suddenly and unintentionally of the characters of the novel because the characters of the novel have good problem solving strategy. Second, irrationally process that actually the readers of TeenLit novel can solve their own problem. But, because the readers like the character in the story of the novel, the way of solving problems that is done by the characters in the novel must be applied in readers’ life although the novel characters are not real. And third, the process of identification will give a benefit to the readers of the novel that is by applying the problem solving strategy in the real life, the readers can know themselves through the characters of the novel that exist in the story of the novel. In addition, the readers can also solve their problems by using problem solving strategy that is done by the novel character, so the problems that experienced by the readers can be solved well. Keywords: Identification, Problem Solving Strategy, TeenLit Novel.