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  • Regulasi Emosi Pada Trader Valuta Asing Non Fisik (Forex Online)
    Penulis : Sufa Elsa Refta Anggara
    Dosen Pembimbing I : dr.Siti Nurfitria, S.Ked., M.Biomed
    Dosen Pembimbing II :

    ABSTRAK Sufa Elsa Refta. A. 120541100002. Regulasi Emosi Pada Trader Valuta Asing Non Fisik (Forex Online). Program Studi Psikologi. Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Budaya. Universitas Trunojoyo Madura. 2016. xx + 173 halaman, 6 lampiran Keuntungan dalam trading forex didapat dari selisih harga beli dan harga jual, sehingga menarik bagi beberapa masyarakat untuk ikut serta dalam transaksi forex online. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui regulasi emosi pada trader valuta asing non fisik (forex online). Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif fenomenologis, Jumlah subjek pada penelitian ini adalah 3 orang subjek yang dipilih dengan kriteria seorang trader berjenis kelamin laki-laki, tergolong tahap dewasa awal, sudah menikah dan sudah melakukan trading forex lebih dari satu tahun. Data diambil menggunakan wawancara semi-terstruktur. Pengambilan sampelnya secara purposive sampling dengan analisis data menggunakan teknik Miles and Huberman. Teknik pemeriksaan keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi sumber dan waktu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa regulasi emosi yang digambarkan pada aspek strategies to emotion regulation (strategies) adalah dengan membuat strategi baru, tidak menetapkan target, mencari kesalahan, sharing dengan teman-teman yang ahli forex, bersyukur ketika mendapatkan profit dan tidur. Aspek engaging in goal directed behavior (goals) subjek tidak terpengaruh dengan emosi negatif sehingga tetap bisa bekerja dan mencari jalan keluar dengan mencari modal yang real. Aspek control emotional responses (impulse) subjek menunjukkan respon yang positif ketika berhasil dan menunjukkan respon negatif ketika gagal. Aspek acceptance of emotional response (acceptance) subjek menerima kegagalan dan merasa malu. Kata kunci: Regulasi Emosi, Trader, Forex Online Daftar Pustaka: (1994 – 2014)


    ABSTRACT Sufa Elsa Refta. A. 120541100002. Emotion Regulation in Non Physical Foreign Exchange Market’s (Online Forex) Trader. Psychology Study Program. Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences. University of Trunojoyo Madura. 2016. xv + 173 sheets, 6 appendixes Profit in forex trading is obtained from the differences between buying price and selling price, so it can attract some people to take apart in online forex transaction. This study aims to find out emotion regulation in non physical foreign exchange market’s (online forex) trader. This study uses a phenomenological qualitative approach. Total of subjects in the research are three people’s with criteria were a trader who has sex male, belonging to early mature stage, has married and has conducted forex trading for over a year. The data were used semi structured interviews Methods of collecting data used semi structured interviews. The sample was taken by purposive sampling with data analysis used the technique of Miles and Huberman. The examination technique of the validity of data used source and time triangulation. Subjects were a trader who has sex male, belonging to early mature stage, has married and has conducted forex trading for over a year. The results of the study showed that emotion regulation portrayed in aspects of the strategies to emotion regulation (strategies) is to create a new strategy, not sets target, looking for errors, sharing with friends who are expert forex, grateful when getting profit and sleep. Aspects of engaging in goal directed behavior (goals) are not affected by negative emotions that can still work and find a way out by looking for real capital. Aspects of control emotional responses (impulse) showed a positive response when it is success and showed a negative response when it fails, Aspects of acceptance of emotional response (acceptance) receives failure and embarasment. Keyword: Emotion Regulation, Trader, Forex Online Reference: (1994 – 2014)

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