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  • Manajemen Survival Media TV Lokal (Studi Kasus Surabaya TV)
    Penulis : Mohammad Faldi
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Surokim, S.Sos., M.Si.
    Dosen Pembimbing II :

    Sejak diterapkannya Undang-undang penyiaran yang memberikan ijin bagi televisi lokal, sebagaimana diatur dalam UU Penyiaran No.32 tahun 2002, kuantitas TV lokal di daerah terus berkembang. Namun sayangnya perkembangan kuantitas ini tidak diikuti dengan perkembangan kualitas, sebab dalam perjalanannya banyak stasiun televisi lokal yang tidak mampu mempertahankan eksistensinya dan pada akhirnya tidak mampu bersaing dalam beratnya kompetisi industri penyiaran. Salah satu faktornya disebabkan persoalan Manajemen. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan mengetahui bagaimana manajemen media tv lokal, dengan studi kasus pada Surabaya TV sebagai tv lokal yang memiliki differensiasi sebagai tv lokal pendidikan. Metode studi kasus digunakan agar didapatkan gambaran mendalam mengenai kondisi Surabaya TV sebagai entitas bisnis, sekaligus upaya-upaya yang dilakukan untuk mempertahankan eksistensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagai tv lokal Surabaya TV masih merasakan beratnya persaingan/ kompetisi dalam industri penyiaran televisi. sebagai entitas bisnis, Surabaya TV masih dalam kondisi merugi. Hal ini disebabkan karena sulitnya akses iklan yang masih terpusat di Jakarta. Untuk mempertahankan eksistensi dan memperbaiki kondisinya, Surabaya TV menjalankan berbagai strategi, diantaranya; sinergi dengan Bali TV, menguatkan positioning, programming, meningkatkan kualitas teknik dan SDMnya, memperbanyak program blocking time, dan sebagainya. Kata Kunci: tv lokal, survival, manajemen penyiaran


    Since the implementation of decentralization broadcasting that given permit for local television to exist, as provided in broadcasting regulations No.32 year 2002 was given impact to quantity of local television become more growth. However, growths of quantity have not followed with growth of quality, because there are lots of local television cannot exist as its journey until it closed or bankrupt. This was due, because inability of local television to compete in broadcasting industry. One reasons that make local television cannot run properly because the regulation of network not work well, thus causing local television should face to face with nation television and centered advertising in Jakarta. This study has been conducted in order to know the existence of local television, where in this case the study was done in local television Surabaya TV that have differentiation objective with other as education TV. Study case method are applied to gathering picture of condition Surabaya TV as business entity, include with its effort to keep the existence. Result of this study is showed if Surabaya TV as local commercial television still have trouble with the “heavy” of competence or competition in broadcasting television. As business entity, Surabaya TV still lose. This is because advertising access is still centered in Jakarta. To keep the existence and fix its conditions, Surabaya TV try to run many strategies such as; synergy between Surabaya TV with Suara Merdeka, enhance the positioning, programming, improve the quality of technic and Human resource, produce many blocking time program, etc. Academic implications of this study are strengthening the theory of Politic Economic Media about control and keep social media lives that act by Surabaya TV. While the practically implications is suggest that Surabaya TV to strengthens its strategy, but with considering the function and its social responsibilities to the public. Increase the activity off air and diversification or joint venture can make alternative of Surabaya TV to improve the source income. In general also suggested the existence of advocacy to escort the enforcement of network station system (SSJ) policy, so that local television in Indonesia able to growth. While for today conditions, is suggested for local television to cooperation by linking with other local television so that they can develop its programs. Keywords

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