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A STUDY OF LANGUAGE CODE IN DIVERGENT MOVIEPenulis : Anis SulalahDosen Pembimbing I : Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, S.S., M.PdDosen Pembimbing II :AbstraksiAbstraction
ABSTRACT Sulalah, Anis. A Study of Language Code in “Divergent” Movie. Thesis. English Study Program of Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, University of Trunojoyo Madura. Advisor: Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, S.S., M.Pd. This study focuses on types of language code found in Divergent movie. This study aims to explain the characteristics of type of language code which are taken from conversation produce by all of the character in Divergent movie. It also aims to explain the influences of gender in language code use in Divergent movie. This study was conducted by applying a descriptive qualitative research design since the data are in the form of words. The data of this study are the utterances contain language code in Divergent movie. The data are collected by using content analysis method. In analyzing the data, the researcher uses interactive data analysis. This study uses two theories which are proposed by Bernstein’s theory (2003) and Lakoff (1975) to analyze the data. The analysis reveals that elaborated and restricted codes are two types of language code used by characters in Divergent movie and that gender differences are influence the use of language code in Divergent movie. Based on the data in this research, there are 671 data from statement of problems. 638 belong to the first of the statement problem and 33 belong to the second of the statement problem. This analysis reveals that here are two types of language code, first restricted code (597) and elaborated code (41). And for the second of research problem found 33 data, 4 data belong to male from Erudite (Middle Class), 14 belong to female from Dauntless and 13 data belong to female from Dauntless (Working Class). Keywords: Language Code, Restricted Code, Elaborated Code, Gender, Divergent Movie