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    Penulis : NUR MUFIDAH
    Dosen Pembimbing I : DIAH IKAWATI A., S.S., M.Pd
    Dosen Pembimbing II :

    ABSTRACT Mufidah, Nur. A Study of Dispreferred Response in “Journey 2: The Mysterious Island” Movie. Thesis. English Study Program of Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, University of Trunojoyo Madura. Advisor: Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, S.S., M.Pd. This study focuses on the types and features of dispreferred response employed by the characters in Journey 2: The Mysterious Island movie. This study aims to explain dispreferred response types found in the Journey 2: The Mysterious Island movie. It also aims to explain dispreferred response features applied in Journey 2: The Mysterious Island movie. In addition, to analyze the data, this study uses the theory proposed by Yule (1996) for types and Glaser (2009) for features. Moreover, this study is conducted by applying a qualitative research design since the data are in the form of words. The data of this study are the utterances of all the characters in Journey 2: The Mysterious Island movie which contain dispreferred response. The data are collected by using content analysis method. In the finding, the writer found 52 data. The writer found five dispreferred response types proposed by Yule (1996) and it was added another type which was double types.19 data which are included into disagree for assessment, 6 data which are included into refuse for invitation, 2 data which are included into decline for offer, 12 data which are included into disagree for proposal, and 12 data which are included into refuse for request, and 1 data is included into another type which is double types. The writer also found 5 of 12 features of dispreferred response proposed by Glaser (2009). Those are token agreement (1 data), request for clarification (3 data), providing reason and explanation (4 data) bare exclamation (4 data) and blunt statement of the opposite (8 data). The rest of the data have more than one feature which make the researcher adds two more features which are double feature (24 data) and triple features (3 data). Besides all those features, there are also other features found in the data which are suggestion (3 data) and avoidance (2 data). The result of this study shows that non-native speaker’s features proposed by Glaser (2009) are also applied by native speakers. Keywords: Dispreferred Response, Journey 2: The Mysterious Island


    ABSTRACT Mufidah, Nur. A Study of Dispreferred Response in “Journey 2: The Mysterious Island” Movie. Thesis. English Study Program of Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, University of Trunojoyo Madura. Advisor: Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, S.S., M.Pd. This study focuses on the types and features of dispreferred response employed by the characters in Journey 2: The Mysterious Island movie. This study aims to explain dispreferred response types found in the Journey 2: The Mysterious Island movie. It also aims to explain dispreferred response features applied in Journey 2: The Mysterious Island movie. In addition, to analyze the data, this study uses the theory proposed by Yule (1996) for types and Glaser (2009) for features. Moreover, this study is conducted by applying a qualitative research design since the data are in the form of words. The data of this study are the utterances of all the characters in Journey 2: The Mysterious Island movie which contain dispreferred response. The data are collected by using content analysis method. In the finding, the writer found 52 data. The writer found five dispreferred response types proposed by Yule (1996) and it was added another type which was double types.19 data which are included into disagree for assessment, 6 data which are included into refuse for invitation, 2 data which are included into decline for offer, 12 data which are included into disagree for proposal, and 12 data which are included into refuse for request, and 1 data is included into another type which is double types. The writer also found 5 of 12 features of dispreferred response proposed by Glaser (2009). Those are token agreement (1 data), request for clarification (3 data), providing reason and explanation (4 data) bare exclamation (4 data) and blunt statement of the opposite (8 data). The rest of the data have more than one feature which make the researcher adds two more features which are double feature (24 data) and triple features (3 data). Besides all those features, there are also other features found in the data which are suggestion (3 data) and avoidance (2 data). The result of this study shows that non-native speaker’s features proposed by Glaser (2009) are also applied by native speakers. Keywords: Dispreferred Response, Journey 2: The Mysterious Island

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