Detail Karya Ilmiah
AN ANALYSIS OF CODE MIXING USED BY ACTOR “LEE JEONG HOON” IN HITAM PUTIH TALKSHOWPenulis : HAIRUNNISYAKDosen Pembimbing I : Dr. Masduki, M.PdDosen Pembimbing II :AbstraksiAbstraction
This study focuses on code mixing that are found in Talkshow. This study aims to explain the type of code mixing in Hitam Putih Talkshow. It also aims to explain the functions of code mixing in Talkshow. This study uses code mixing theory proposed by Muysken (2000). This study is conducted by applying a qualitative design. The data were sentences uttered by Actor Lee Jeong Hoon in Hitam Putih Talkshow. The data are collected by using content analysis method. In analyzing the data, the writer uses interactive data analysis. The result of the study showed that twenty data found. There were 3 types and 4 functions of code mixing in Hitam Putih Talkshow. The type of code mixing about insertion were 13 data, code mixing about alternation were 4 data, code mixing about congruent lexicalization 3 data. The writer also finds function of code mixing. Those are as dialect choices were 2 data, as gender-specific forms were 10 data, as age-grading were 8 data. Key words: Code, Mixing , Type, Function