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  • Symbolism in Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code
    Penulis : Lailatul Bariyah
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Prof. Dr. Suryo Tri Saksono
    Dosen Pembimbing II :


    ABSTRACT Bariyah, L. Symbolism in Dan Brown’s “The Davinci Code. Thesis. English Study Program of Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, University of Trunojoyo, Madura. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Tri Suryo Saksono. The Da Vinci Code is a novel telling about a journey of a woman, named Sophie Neveu who tries to reveal a of her grandfather through a series of riddles that he made before he died. The writer is interested in analyzing the symbols found in The Da Vinci Code novel. There is objective that the writer wants to deliver in this thesis. It is to describe the meaning of symbols in The Da Vinci Code. The Da Vinci Code novel is chosen as the source of data, while the data in this study is utterances of narrator’s narration. Moreover, this studies using qualitative design. The data of this study collected by reading and understanding the novel well and he data analysis of this study start from gathering data, making interpretation, writing report, and conclusion. The key instrument is the writer herself. The result of the study showed that the symbol appeared in the novel is about name, thing and picture. The Da Vinci Code contains many symbols; they are Sophie Neveu, Holy Grail, The Mona Lisa, Rosa Rugosa, Pentacle, Hermaphrodite, The Star of David, The Vitruvian Man, and Left. Symbols found and learned in every riddle help Sophie Neveu to reveal what her grandfather wants to tell her and unpredictably lead her to find her grandfather’s murderer. Those symbols also help her to fix her relationship with her grandfather. Keywords: Novel, Symbolism, and Semiotic Approach

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