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  • The Pevensies'Adventure in C.S Lewis' The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
    Penulis : Wahyu Sasmita
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Dr. Suryo Trisaksono
    Dosen Pembimbing II :

    ABSTRACT Sasmita, W. THE PEVENSIES’ ADVENTURE IN C.S. LEWIS’ THE CHRONICLS OF NARNIA: THE VOYAGE OF THE DAWN TREADER Thesis. English Study Program of Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Trunojoyo Madura. Advisor: Dr. Suryo Tri Saksono, M.Pd. The adventure of the Pevensies; Edmund, Lucy, and Eustace in TheChronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader is very intresting to be discussed. The story is a kind of fantasy story which using particular stages in the adventure. Therefore, this study aimed to disscuss the stage and development of the Pevensies during the adventure based on Joseph Campbell monomyth theory. The method of this study is qualitative research. The data are the character’s utterances and author’s narration which related with the stages of monomyth. The data are collected after the writer finish reading the novel in several time. The writer uses the data to answer the research problem. The result of study are the three stages of the adventure; departure, Initiation and return. The experience in every stage in the journey makes the Pevensies become a better people. Key words: Departure, Initiation, Return, Adventure, Monomyth.


    ABSTRACT Sasmita, W. THE PEVENSIES’ ADVENTURE IN C.S. LEWIS’ THE CHRONICLS OF NARNIA: THE VOYAGE OF THE DAWN TREADER Thesis. English Study Program of Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Trunojoyo Madura. Advisor: Dr. Suryo Tri Saksono, M.Pd. The adventure of the Pevensies; Edmund, Lucy, and Eustace in TheChronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader is very intresting to be discussed. The story is a kind of fantasy story which using particular stages in the adventure. Therefore, this study aimed to disscuss the stage and development of the Pevensies during the adventure based on Joseph Campbell monomyth theory. The method of this study is qualitative research. The data are the character’s utterances and author’s narration which related with the stages of monomyth. The data are collected after the writer finish reading the novel in several time. The writer uses the data to answer the research problem. The result of study are the three stages of the adventure; departure, Initiation and return. The experience in every stage in the journey makes the Pevensies become a better people. Key words: Departure, Initiation, Return, Adventure, Monomyth.

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