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    Penulis : Susi Andora
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Diva Wenanda, S.S., M.Pd
    Dosen Pembimbing II :


    ABSTRACT Andora, susi. The Transformation of the Intrinsic Elements in Christopher Paolini into Stefen Frangmeier’s Eragon. Thesis. English Study Program of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, University of Trunojoyo Madura. Advisors: Diva Wenanda, S.S., M.Pd. Adaptation is the process of transformation the form of intersemiotic transpositions from one sign system (for example, words) to another (for example, images). One of the examples of adaptation is transformation a literary work such as a novel into a film. Nowadays adaptation are everywhere, there are many famous films that adapted from a great novel. In the film that adapted from a novel must be occurs some changes, especially in its intrinsic elements. It is because the process of making a film is different with makes a novel. Pursuant to this explanation, this study focuses on the transformation of the narrative elements from the Eragon’s novel into film that has the same title with its novel. This study aims to explain the process of adaptation that happen in the intrinsic element on Eragon’s novel into film. To analyze the adaptation process of Eragon novel into film, the theory of adaptation by Linda Seger is used. There are three process of adaptation; condensing and expanding the material, making the film commercial, and varied changing. But the writer focuses to analyze two processes that explain by Linda Seger, that are the process of condensing and expanding the material and varied changing. The narrative elements theory is used to reveal the elements that build the works, in this study the writer only discuss about the changing that happen in the plot, characters and setting that happen in the process of adapted film from Eragon novel. This study is conducted using a qualitative design because (1) the data collected and analysed are in the form of words. The data of this study are the words or utterances, dialog, the characters or author’s narration in both sources of data, (2) the key instrument of this study is the writer herself. After, analysing the novel and the film, it can be concluded that the film experience sixty one processes of condensing and expanding the material, and thirty six processes of varied changing. The process involves the aspects of narrative elements in novel into film that consist of the plot, characters and setting. Key Words: Novel, Film, Narrative Elements, Adaptation.

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