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PENGUKURAN KINERJA PERUSAHAAN DENGAN PENDEKATAN BALANCED SCORECARD ( Studi kasus di CV.SAVIX Surabaya )Penulis : Mochammad Andan Alief BachrezyDosen Pembimbing I : Fitri Agustina, ST., MT.Dosen Pembimbing II :Ari Basuki, ST., MT.Abstraksi
Pada perusahaan bisnis perdagangan diperlukan peningkatan kinerja dalam persaingan untuk mencapai sebuah visi. Kinerja perusahaan merupakan cerminan daya saing perusahaan, maka dari itu kinerja perusahaan dapat diukur sehingga dapat dilakukan kegiatan monitoring, evaluasi dan perbaikan. Perusahaan CV.Savix Surabaya merupakan perusahaan dagang yang bergerak dibidang spare part AC mobil di surabaya. Pengukuran kinerja perusahaan dapat dilakukan dengan pendekatan balanced scorecard, pendekatan tersebut merupakan pengukuran kinerja terdiri empat perspektif diantaranya yaitu perspektif finansial, perspektif pelanggan, perspektif proses bisnis internal dan perspektif pembelajaran dan pertumbuhan. Pada setiap perspektif balanced scorecard terdapat KPI ( Key Performance Indicator ). Hasil perumusan KPI balanced scorecard diperoleh 11 KPI. Hasil skor KPI dapat dinilai dengan pendekatan OMAX ( Object Matrix ). Hasil pendekatan OMAX penilaian kinerja perusahaan secara keseluruhan dengan nilai 7, 21 ( dari skala penilaian 1 – 10 ). Pada pendekatan traffic light system terdapat 4 KPI berada di zona hijau yang artinya bahwa skor KPI sukses telah mencapai target perusahaan diantaranya KPI II ( Pertumbuhan Pendapatan ), KPI V ( Retensi Pelanggan ), KPI VII ( Service Cycle Efficiency ) dan KPI XI ( Employe Turnover ) dan terdapat 7 KPI berada di zona kuning yang artinya bahwasannya skor KPI masih belum mencapai target perusahaan diantaranya KPI I ( Return Of Invesment ), KPI III ( Kepuasan Pelanggan ), KPI IV ( Akuisisi Pelanggan ), KPI VI ( Pertumbuhan Pelanggan ), KPI VIII ( Product Riject / Return ), KPI IX ( Kepuasan Karyawan ) dan KPI X ( Produktifitas Karyawan ). Kata Kunci : Pengukuran Kinerja Perusahaan, Balanced Scorecard, AHP, Objective Matrix ( OMAX ), Traffic Light System.
AbstractionIn the company's trading business needs to improve performance in competition to achieve a vision. The company's performance is a reflection of the company's competitiveness, and therefore the company's performance can be measured so as to do the activities of monitoring, evaluation and improvement. CV.Savix Surabaya company is a trading company engaged in automobile air-conditioning parts in Surabaya. Business performance measurement can be done with a balanced scorecard approach, the approach is a performance measurement consists of four perspectives among which are financial perspective, customer perspective, internal business process and learning and growth perspective. At every perspective there is a balanced scorecard KPI (Key Performance Indicator). The results obtained by the formulation of balanced scorecard KPIs 11 KPI. KPI score results can be assessed with OMAX approach (Object Matrix). OMAX approach results assessment of corporate performance overall with a score of 7, 21 (out of a scale of ratings 1 - 10). On approach the traffic light system there are 4 KPI is in the green zone, which means that the score of KPI's success has reached the target companies such as KPI II (Growth Revenue), KPI V (Customer Retention), KPI VII (Service Cycle Efficiency) and KPI XI (employe Turnover ) and there are 7 KPI are in the yellow zone, which means bahwasannya score KPI has yet to reach the target companies such as KPI I (Return Of Investment), KPI III (Customer Satisfaction), KPI IV (Customer acquisition), KPI VI (Subscriber Growth), KPI VIII (Product Riject / Return), KPI IX (Employee Satisfaction) and KPI X (Employee Productivity). Keywords: Corporate Performance Measurement, Balanced Scorecard, AHP, Objective Matrix (OMAX), Traffic Light System.