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    Penulis : Mohlis Maulana
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Zainuri,
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Hafiludin, S.Pi., Msi

    Penelitian struktur komunitas gastropoda di Pulau Gili Rajeh Kabupaten Sumenep Madura dilakukan pada tanggal 27 sampai 30 November 2015. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui struktur komunitas gastropoda di Pulau Gili Rajeh dan hubungan dengan parameter lingkungan. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan transek kuadrat 10x10m2 dengan 5 plot di dalamnya ukuran 1x1m2. Sampel gastropoda yang ditemukan diidentifikasi dan dianalisis indeks kepadatan, indeks keanekaragaman, indeks keseragaman, dan indeks dominansi gastropoda. Hasil penelitian ditemukan 12 jenis gastropoda dari 5 famili. Kepadatan gastropoda tertinggi terdapat pada lokasi mangrove dengan nilai 70,93 individu/m2, sedangkan kepadatan gastropoda terendah terdapat pada lokasi pelabuhan dengan nilai 15,067 individu/m2. Indeks keanekaragaman jenis gastropoda di daerah mangrove termasuk kriteria sedang, indeks keseragaman tinggi, dan tidak ada dominansi. Indeks keanekaragaman jenis gastropoda di daerah pelabuhan termasuk kriteria rendah-sedang, indeks keseragaman tinggi, dan tidak ada dominansi. Indeks keanekaragaman jenis gastropoda di daerah pemukiman termasuk kriteria rendah-sedang, indeks keseragaman tinggi, dan tidak ada dominansi. Hubungan yang sangat kuat terjadi antara DO dengan kepadatan gastropoda, dan hubungan yang kuat terjadi antara DO dan salinitas dengan keseragaman gastropoda. Kata kunci : Struktur komunitas, gastropoda, Pulau Gili Rajeh.


    The research of community structure of gastropoda in gili rajeh island sumenep district madura was done on 27 until 30 november 2015. The aim of this research was to know the community structure of gastropoda in gili rajeh island and its connection with environment parameter. The taking of sample was done by using kuadrat transect 10x10m2 with 5 plot and size 1x1m2 inside. The sample of gastropoda which were found were identified and analyzed the density index, the diversity index, the similarity index, and the dominantion index of gastropoda. The result of the research were found 12 kinds of gastropoda from 5family. The highest density of gastropoda was found on the location of mangrove with value 70,93 individu/m2, while the lowest density of gastropoda was found on the location of harbour with the value 15,067 individu/m2. The diversity index of kinds of gastropoda in the location of mangrove is included in average criteria, the similarity index is high, and no dominantion. The diversity index of kinds of gastropoda in the location of harbour is included in low-average criteria, the similarity index is high, and no dominantion. The diversity index of kinds of gastropoda in the location of boarding house is included low-average criteria, the similarity index is high, and no dominantion. The strong connection happens between DO with the density of gastropoda, and the strong connection happens between DO and salinitas with the similarity of gastropoda. Key words: community structure, gastropoda, gili rajeh island

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