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    Penulis : Eni Andari
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Askur Rahman, S.TP., MP
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Dr. Ir. Abdul Azis Jakfar, M.T

    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan rumput laut dan lama pemasakan terhadap kualitas dodol buah pisang. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) faktorial dengan (3) tiga ulangan perlakuan. Faktor I adalah proporsi bubur buah pisang dan bubur rumput laut (80%:20% ; 84%:16% dan 88%:12%. Faktor II adalah lama pemanasan (120 ; 130 dan 140 menit). Parameter yang diamati meliputi: kadar air, tekstur dan sensoris. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan proporsi bubur buah pisang dengan bubur rumput laut dan lama pemanasan berpengaruh berbeda nyata (P?0.05) terhadap kadar air. Kadar air tertinggi (45,330%) dan terendah (35,191%). Proporsi bubur buah pisang dengan rumput laut berpengaruh berbeda nyata (P?0.05) terhadap tekstur (hardness dan gumminess). Nilai tertinggi tekstur (hardness 2226,000 dan gumminess 371,736 ) dan nilai terendah tekstur (hardness 837,331 dan gumminess 129,813). Lama pemanasan tidak berpengaruh berbeda nyata (P?0.05) terhadap parameter tekstur (hardness, springiness dan gumminess). Proporsi bubur buah pisang dengan bubur rumput laut berpengaruh berbeda nyata (P?0.05) terhadap warna, rasa dan kesukaan keseluruhan. Nilai tertinggi kesukaan warna (2,367), rasa (2,367) dan kesukaan keseluruhan (2,411). Lama pemanasan berpengaruh berbeda nyata (P?0.05) terhadap warna dan kesukaan keseluruhan. Nilai tertinggi kesukaan warna (2,344) dan kesukaan keseluruhan (2,456). Kata Kunci: pengaruh proporsi, lama pemanasan, dodol buah


    The study aims to determine the effect of seaweed and long ripening on the quality of dodol bananas. This study uses a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) factorial (3) three replications treatment. The first factor is the proportion of pureed bananas and porridge seaweed (80%: 20%; 84%: 16% and 88%: 12%. The second factor is the prolonged heating (120; 130 and 140 minutes). The parameters observed: water content, texture and sensory. The results showed the proportion of banana pulp slurry of seaweed and old heating effect significantly different (P?0.05) on water content. The water content of the highest (45.330%) and the lowest (35.191%). The proportion of banana fruit pulp with seaweed effect significantly different (P?0.05) on the texture (hardness and gumminess). the highest value of texture (hardness 2226.000 and gumminess 371.736) and the lowest value of texture (hardness 837.331 and gumminess 129.813). Old heating effect is not significantly different ( P?0.05) the texture parameters (hardness, springiness and gumminess). The proportion of banana fruit pulp with the seaweed porridge affect significantly different (P?0.05) of the color, flavor and overall favorite. The highest value favorite color (2,367), flavor (2,367 ) and the overall favorite (2,411). Old heating effect significantly different (P?0.05) to the colors and the overall favorite. The highest value favorite color (2.344) and the overall favorite (2,456). Keywords: the effect of proportion, prolonged heating, dodol fruit

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