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  • Karakteristik Tekstural dan Cooking Quality Mi Ubi Jalar Ungu (Ipomoea batatas) Terfermentasi Oleh Jamur Botryodiplodia theobromae
    Penulis : Ervina Vony Yulia Nurlaita
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Ir.Umi Purwandari,M.App.Sc.,P.hD
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Askur Rahman,S.TP.,MP

    Mi merupakan makanan siap saji yang pertama kali dibuat dan berkembang di Negara Cina. Bahan baku dalam pembuatan mi berasal dari tepung terigu yang diperoleh secara impor dari Negara lain. Oleh sebab itu diperlukan alternatif pengganti tepung terigu dengan memanfaatkan hasil pertanian yaitu tepung dari ubi jalar ungu. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pembuatan produk mi kering berbahan dasar gathotan ubi jalar ungu yang terfermentasi. Ubi jalar ungu yang terfermentasi diolah menjadi produk tepung yang berguna sebagai pengganti tepung terigu. Pembuatan mi kering gathotan ubi jalar ungu terfermentasi membutuhkan waktu fermentasi yang berlangsung selama lima hari agar tepung yang dihasilkan dapat optimal dan memiliki sifat tepung yang baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses pembuatan mi kering dan mendapatkan nilai uji tekstur dan cooking quality mi gathotan ubi jalar ungu terfermentasi. Rancang percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap Faktorial (RALF) dengan dua faktorial diantaranya penambahan proporsi tepung gathotan ubi jalar ungu terfermentasi dengan air (1:4, 1:5) dan gel dengan gathotan ubi jalar ungu terfermentasi (1;0,9, 1:1, 1:1,1) dengan parameter uji cooking quality (cooking time), tekstural (hardness, springiness, cohesiveness, guminess, chewiness, dan resilience). Pengujian dilakukan secara bertahap dari pengujian tekstur menggunakan alat berupa texture analyzer dan pengujian cooking quality. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proporsi air berpengaruh nyata terhadap cooking time sedangkan proporsi tepung berpengaruh nyata pada cooking time, hardness, cohesiveness, gumminess chewiness, dan resilience. Pengujian cooking quality pada parameter cooking time berkisar 5,9375 menit, 625 menit dan 6,375 menit, cooking loss berkisar 4,078 menit dan 4,134 menit. Pengujian tekstural diperoleh nilai hardness 2,254-3,406g, adhesiveness -24,083- -9,124, springiness 0,916-6,929, cohesiveness 0,789-0,875, gumminess 1,869-2,892, chewiness 1,715-6,224, dan resilience 1,465-1,981


    Noodle is fast food that was first created and developed in the State China. The raw material in the manufacture of noodles derived from wheat flour obtained by imports from other countries. Therefore necessary alternative to wheat flour by making use of agricultural products, namely flour from purple sweet potato. In this research, the manufacture of products made of dried noodles gathotan fermented purple sweet potato. Fermented purple sweet potato flour is processed into a useful product as a substitute for wheat flour. Manufacture of dried noodles gathotan fermented purple sweet potato fermentation takes that lasted for five days so that the resulting flour can be optimized and have good powder properties. This study aims to determine the process of making dried noodle and get the value of the texture and cooking quality test mi gathotan fermented purple sweet potato. Design The experiment was completely randomized design factorial (Ralf) with two factorial including the addition proportion gathotan purple sweet potato flour fermented with water (1: 4, 1: 5) and gel with gathotan fermented purple sweet potato (1; 0.9, 1: 1, 1: 1.1) with test parameters quality cooking (cooking time), textural (hardness, springiness, cohesiveness, guminess, chewiness and resilience). Tests carried out in stages of testing using tools such as texture texture analyzer and testing cooking quality. The research result that the proportion of water significantly affect cooking time while the proportion of flour real effect on cooking time, hardness, cohesiveness, gumminess chewiness and resilience. Cooking quality testing on the parameters of cooking time ranges from 5.9375 minutes, 625 minutes and 6.375 minutes, cooking loss ranges from 4.078 minutes and 4.134 minutes. Testing textural hardness values obtained 2,254-3,406g, adhesiveness -24,083- -9.124, 0.916 to 6.929 springiness, cohesiveness 0.789 to 0.875, 1.869 to 2.892 gumminess, chewiness 1.715 to 6.224 and 1.465 to 1.981 resilience.

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