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Pengaruh Proporsi Air, Tepung, Dan Teknik Pemasakan Terhadap Sifat Fisik Mi Instan Ubi Jalar Ungu Hasil Fermentasi Jamur (Botryodiplodia Theobromae).Penulis : MOHAMAD ANSORIDosen Pembimbing I : Ir. Umi Purwandari, M.App.Sc, Ph.DDosen Pembimbing II :Dr. Ir. H. Asfan, MPAbstraksi
Mi merupakan produk olahan pangan yang digemari masyarakat dari anak –anak hingga orang dewasa karena penyajianya yang mudah, harga murah, dapat digunakan sebagai penganti lauk dan nasi. Berdasarkan jenisnya mi dapat di golongkan menjadi 4 yaitu mi segar, mi basah, mi kering dan mi instan. Ubi jalar ungu sering digunakan sebagai makanan tradisional dan bahan penganti Tepung. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh tekstur mi ubi jalar ungu dan untuk mengetahui warna mi ubi jalar ungu. Desain penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap faktorial (RALF) dengan tiga faktor yaitu Air (1:4) dan (1:5),Tepung (0,9), (1) dan (1,1) Teknik pemasakan (goreng) dan (kukus). Parameter penelitian meliputi uji tekstur hardness (kekerasan), adhesiveness (kelengketan), springiness (daya lenting), gumminess (sifat padat), chewiness (sifat) dan uji warna (L, a, dan b). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tekstur mi instan ubi jalar ungu megunakan Air (1:4 dan 1:5), proporsi Tepung (0,9, 1, dan 1,1) dan teknik pemasakan (goreng dan kukus) menghasilkan nilai hardness 1,759g - 3,679g adhesiveness -0,333 - 30,833, springiness 1,556 – 8,833, dan gumminess 1,202 - 2,221. Sementara cohesiveness dan chewiness tidak ada pengaruh nyata. Warna mi instan ubi jalar ungu menggunakan Air (1:4 dan 1:5), proporsi Tepung (0,9, 1, dan 1,1) dan teknik pemasakan pemasakan (goreng dan kukus) menghasilkan nilai L 11,167 – 12,167, a 5,117 – 6,667 dan data b 17,517 – 19,883 Kata kunci : Mi, Ubi Jalar Ungu, tekstur mi instan, warna
AbstractionNoodle is a food processed product which is popular with people from children to adults because its easy presentation, low prices, can be used as a substitute for side dishes and rice. Based on the type of noodles can be classified into 4, namely fresh noodles, wet noodles, dry noodles and instant noodles. Purple sweet potatoes are often used as traditional food and flour substitute ingredients. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of purple sweet potato noodles texture and to find out the color of purple sweet potato noodles. The research design used factorial completely randomized design (RALF) with three factors, namely Water (1: 4) and (1: 5), Flour (0.9), (1) and (1.1) Cooking techniques (fried) and (steamed). The research parameters included hardness (hardness) texture test, adhesiveness (stickiness), springiness (resilience), gumminess (solid properties), chewiness (color) and color test (L, a, and b). The results showed that the texture of purple sweet potato instant noodles using Water (1: 4 and 1: 5), the proportion of Flour (0.9, 1, and 1.1) and cooking techniques (fried and steamed) produced a hardness value of 1.759g - 3,679g adhesiveness -0,333 - 30,833, springiness 1,556 - 8,833, and gumminess 1,202 - 2,221. While cohesiveness and chewiness have no real influence. The color of purple sweet potato instant noodles using Water (1: 4 and 1: 5), the proportion of Flour (0.9, 1, and 1.1) and cooking techniques (fried and steamed) produced a value of L 11,167 - 12,167, a 5,117 - 6,667 and data b 17,517 - 19,883 Keywords: Noodles, Purple Sweet Potatoes, texture of instant noodles, color