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    Penulis : Rofiatul Hasanah
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Dr. Elys Fauziyah, SP., MP
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Dr. Teti Sugiarti, SP., M.Si

    Penelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Ledokombo Kecamatan Sumber Probolinggo, dengan tujuan: (1) menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi produksi, (2) menganalisis efisiensi teknis, (3) menganalisis perilaku petani terhadap risiko dan, (4) mengetahui hubungan perilaku risiko terhadap efisiensi teknis pada usahatani kentang. Metode pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan Teknik Insidental Sampling sejumlah 36 responden, sedangkan metode analisis menggunakan analisis fungsi produksi Stochastic Frontier dengan menggunakan metode MLE (Maximum Likelihood Estimator), Skala Likert dan Korelasi Pearson. Hasil pembahasan menunjukkan bahwa, pertama, faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh nyata terhadap produksi kentang adalah luas-lahan, pupuk kandang, tenaga kerja dan bibit. Sedangkan pupuk NPK, pupuk ZA, fungisida dan insektisida tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap produksi kentang. Kedua, efisiensi teknis yang dicapai oleh petani antara 29% hingga 99% dengan rata-rata 70%. Ketiga, perilaku petani kentang terhadap risiko adalah tersebar merata antara takut terhadap risiko (risk averse), netral terhadap risko (risk neutral) dan berani mengambil risiko (risk taker). Keempat, tidak terdapat hubungan antara perilaku risiko dan tingkat efisiensi teknis. Kata Kunci :Faktor Produksi, Efisiensi Teknis, Perilaku Risiko


    This study was conducted at Ledokombo Village Sumber Probolinggo. The purpose of this study is (1) analyzing the influencing factors of production, (2) analyzing technical efficiency, (3) analyzing farmer behaviour towards the risk and (4) figuring out the relationship between risks behaviour and technical efficiency of potatoes agriculture. Sampling method was done by using Incidental technique. There were 36 respondents participated in this study. Production function analysis of Stochastic Frontier by MLE (Maximum Likelihood Estimator) method, Skala Likert dan Korelasi Pearson was used as the analysis technique.The result of the study shows that firstly, the apparent factors that influence potatoes production are land area, animal fertilizer, human resources and the seedling. Meanwhile, NPK and ZA fertilizer, fungicide, and insecticide do not give any apparent effect to the production of potatoes. Secondly, technical efficiency gained by the potatoes growers is between 29% up to 99% with the mean 70%. Thirdly, the risks behaviour of the farmers equally spread up through being afraid of the risk averse, neutral to the risk and bold to taker the risk. Forthly, there is no correlation between risk behaviour and the technical efficiency level. Key words: Production Factor, Technical Efficiency, Risk Behaviour

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