Detail Karya Ilmiah

    Penulis : SULAIMAN
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Andrie K. Sunyigono SP., MP. PhD
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Dr. Teti Sugiarti, SP., M.Si

    Usaha ternak sapi perah di Desa Balung Anyar Kabupaten Pasuruan dihadapkan dengan berbagai permasalahan seperti, kekurangan pakan hijauan, rendahnya posisi tawar, dan kekurangan modal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis struktur, perilaku, dan kinerja usaha ternak sapi perah. Struktur usaha ternak dianalisis menggunakan CR4 (Concentration Ratio for Biggest Four), dan hambatan masuk. Analisis perilaku usaha ternak dengan melihat sistem penentuan harga dan strategi bisnis. Sedangkan kinerja pasar dianalisis menggunakan analisis R/C rasio. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan struktur pasar bersifat oligopoli, dengan konsentrasi empat peternak terbesar menguasai 45% penawaran dipasar. Perilaku peternak dalam menentukan harga output dengan sistem break-event atau penentuan harga dengan mempertimbangkan biaya yang dikeluarkan sebagai acuan menentukan harga awal, strategi bisnis yang banyak dilakukan adalah menjual sapi pedet sebagai tambahan penerimaan. Nilai R/C rasio sebesar 1,69 menunjukkan kinerja usaha ternak baik dan layak dijalankan.


    Dairy cattle business in Balung Anyar Village Pasuruan Regency is confronted with various problems such as shortage of forage, low bargaining power, and lack of capital. The aim of this study is to analyze the structure, behavior, and performance of the dairy cattle business. Structure of the cattle business is analyzed by using the of CR4 (Concentration Ratio for Biggest Four) and barriers to entry. Analysis behavior of the cattle business by looking at the pricing system and business strategy. Moreover, the market performance is analyzed by using analysis of R/C ratio. The results of the study show that the market structure is oligopoly moderate, with the concentration of four largest breeders dominate 45% of deals in the market. The behavior of breeders in determining the output price is by using break-event system or determining the price by considering the costs incurred as a reference in determining the initial price, business strategy that much done is sell a calf as an additional revenue. The value of R/C ratio is 1,69 shows that the performance of the cattle business is good and feasible to run.

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