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PENAMPILAN GALUR JAGUNG (Zea mays L.) UNGGUL MADURAPenulis : Abdul Adim RismanDosen Pembimbing I : Dr. Achmad Amzeri, SP., MPDosen Pembimbing II :Dr. Agr. Eko Setiawan, SP., M.SiAbstraksi
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan penampilan fenotip, nilai heritabilitas dan mencari galur jagung Madura yang bisa dikembangkan untuk program pemuliaan dan budidaya tanaman. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kebun Penelitian dan Produksi Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Trunojoyo Madura pada bulan Maret – Juni 2016. Rancangan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) non faktorial, dimana terdapat satu faktor yaitu genotip sebagai perlakuan, yang terdiri dari 5 genotip dengan 3 kali ulangan (blok). Adapun perlakuan tersebut yaitu G1 = TS2, G2 = DS0, G3 = MS0, G4 = ES2, G5 = GS0. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan penampilan fenotip yaitu pada parameter tinggi tanaman, umur bunga jantan, umur bunga betina, jumlah daun di atas tongkol, jumlah daun di bawah tongkol, lebar daun di atas tongkol, panjang daun di atas tongkol, tinggi letak tongkol, panjang tongkol, diameter janggel, berat tongkol per sampel, berat biji per sampel, bobot 1000 biji, dan produksi tanaman (kg/ha). Pada parameter tinggi tanaman, bobot 1000 biji, tinggi letak tongkol, berat tongkol per sampel, berat biji per sampel, produksi tanaman (kg/ha), umur bunga jantan, umur bunga betina, jumlah daun di atas tongkol, jumlah daun di bawah tongkol, lebar daun di atas tongkol, panjang daun di atas tongkol, panjang tongkol, dan diameter janggel mempunyai nilai heritabilitas tinggi. Galur yang bisa dikembangkan untuk program pemuliaan dan budidaya tanaman adalah galur GS?. Kata kunci : Galur, Jagung Madura (Zea mays L.), Heritabilitas.
AbstractionThis reseach aims to determine differences in the appearance of the phenotype, value of heritability and searching for Madura corn groove that could be developed for breeding programs and plans cultivation. This research was conducted at the Research yard and Production Agrotechnology Faculty of Agriculture, University Trunojoyo Madura in March - June 2016. The design used in this study was a Randomized Block Design (RBD) non factorial, where there was one factor genotype as treatment, which consists of 5 genotypes with three replications (blocks). As for the treatment is G1 = TS?, G2 = DS?, G3 = MS?, G4 = ES?, G5 = GS?. The results showed that there are differences in the appearance of the phenotype that was the height parameter plant, age of male flowers, age of the female flowers, number of leaves on the cob, number of leaves below the cob, wide leaves on the cob, length of leaves on the cob, high location on the cob, cob length, corncob diameter, weight cobs per sample, weight seed per sample, weight of 1000 seeds, and plans production (kg/ha). In height parameter plant, weight of 1000 seeds, the high location of the cob, weight of cobs per sample, seed weight per sample, crop production (kg/ha), the age of the male flowers, the age of the female flowers, the number of leaves on the cob, number of leaves below the ear, wide leaves on the cob, length of leaves on the cob, cob length and diameter corncob has high heritability values. The groove could be developed for breeding programs and crop cultivation is the GS? strain. Keywords : Groove, Madura Corn (Zea mays L.), Heritability.