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PENGARUH PENERAPAN E-PROCUREMENT TERHADAP PENCEGAHAN FRAUD DI SEKTOR PUBLIKPenulis : Imam Agus FaisolDosen Pembimbing I : Dr. Tarjo, SE., M.Si., CFEDosen Pembimbing II :Dr. Siti Musyarofah, S.E., M.Si., Ak., CAAbstraksi
Imam Agus Faisol, Analisis Penerapan e-procurement terhadap Pencegahan dan Pendeteksian Fraud Procurement di Sektor Publik. Dibawah bimbingan Dr. Tarjo, SE., M.Si., CFE dan Dr. Siti Musyarofah, S.E., M.Si., Ak., CA. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh implementasi e-procurement terhadap pencegahan dan pendeteksian procurement fraud di sektor publik. Peneliti menggunakan tahap-tahap pengadaan barang dan jasa e-procurement sebagai variabel independen. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan explanatory research. Peneliti menggunakan analisis structural equation modeling (SEM) alternatif partial least square (PLS) dengan program Warppls 3.0. Unit analisis penelitian antara lain unit layanan pengadaan (ULP), satuan kerja perangkat daerah (SKPD) dan penyedia barang dan jasa. Hasil penelitian ini antara lain variabel tahap perencanaan dan tahap penyusunan dokumen lelang berpengaruh terhadap pencegahan procurement fraud. Variabel tahap pembentukan panitia, tahap prakualifikasi, tahap evaluasi penawaran, tahap pengumuman dan tahap sanggahan tidak berpengaruh terhadap pencegahan procurement fraud. Kata Kunci: E-procurement, Pencegahan Procurement Fraud
AbstractionImam Agus Faisol, Analyze Impact of Implementation of e-procurement Towards Prevention and Detection of Procurement Fraud in Public Sector. Under the guidance of Dr. Tarjo, SE., M.Si., CFE and Dr. Siti Musyarofah, S.E., M.Si., Ak., CA. This research is addressed to analyze impact of implementation of e-procurement towards prevention and detection of procurement fraud in public sector. This study employs stages of e-procurement of goods and services as the independent variable. Then, it is analyzed with quantitative method, particularly explanatory research approach. In this regard, researcher uses the sructural equation model (SEM) of alternative least partial square (PLS) with program Warrpls 3.0. Analytical units of this study consist of ULP, SKPD and providers of goods and services. Findings of this study indicate some variables affecting prevention of fraud, i.e. stages of planning and drafting of procurement tender documents. Meanwhile, the other variables do not affect the prevention of procurement fraud, i.e. phases of formation of procurement committee, pre-qualification, evaluation of suppliers’ offer, announcement and appeal. Keywords: E-procurement, Prevention Procurement Fraud
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