Detail Karya Ilmiah

    Penulis : moch rifai
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Dr. Mufarrijul
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Dr. Indien

    Pengaturan dan pemahaman tentang konsep hak atas tanah, UUPA hanya membatasi pada permukaan bumi. Sedangkan ruang yang ada diatas dan dibawahnya, dipandang hanya dari sudut penggunaannya. UUPA belum mengatur secara khusus tentang hak kepemilikan atas ruang bawah/diatas tanah atau permukaan bumi. Pengaturannya hanya terbatas pada pemberian wewenang untuk menggunakan ruang diatas atau dibawah permukaan bumi Pasal 4 UUPA dikategorikan pada interpretasi ekstensif. Artinya bahwa selain tanah dan bangunan yang sudah menjadi hak seseorang atau badan hukum yang sudah tertera didata Sertifikat, maka ruang bawah atau diatas tanah tersebut tetap konsisten dengan hak menguasai negara yaitu menjadi hak negara. Berhubung dengan status hak ruang bawah diatas tanah menjadi hak negara, maka segala hal kegiatan seseorang atau badan hukum yang menggunakan ruang tersebut, harus menyesuaikan dengan ketentuan dan peraturan negara/Pemerintah


    The setting and understanding of the concept of land rights, UUPA only limit on the earth's surface. While the space is above / below, is seen only from the point of use. UUPA has not specifically regulate the ownership of basement / ground or above the surface of the earth. The arrangement is limited to granting authority to use the space above or below the earth's surface, as set forth in the provisions of Pasal 4 Ayat (2) UUPA. The authorization is limited to matters relating directly to the land and buildings owned by the person or legal entity. Pasal 4 UUPA categorized on an extensive interpretation. This means that in addition to land and buildings are entitled person or legal entity that has been listed in the data Certificates, the basement or on the ground has remained consistent with the right to master the state, namely the rights of the country. As to the status of space right down on the ground into the right state, then everything activity of a person or legal entity who use the space, must adapt to the rules and regulations of state / government. Moreover, the existing activities and business interests of profit for businesses, it must be subject to the provisions of the Indonesian Government / Local Government related to the cultivated fields. Such as mining, industrial, spatial, cooperatives, and others who must adjust to the prevailing regulations, especially in the district / city.

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