Detail Karya Ilmiah

    Penulis : Riza Rizqi Apriliana Nurma Sita
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Lailatul Qadariyah, S.H.I, M.E.I
    Dosen Pembimbing II :

    ABSTRAK Penelitian yang berjudul Etos Kerja Pedagang Etnis Madura di Darmo Trade Center (DTC) Ditinjau dari Etika Bisnis Islam bertujuan untuk mengetahui etos kerja pedagang etnis Madura yang mempunyai tingkat religius yang tinggi apakah sesuai dengan etika bisnis islam atau tidak. Jenis penelitian adalah kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif analitis yaitu mendreskripsikan etos kerja pedagang etnis Madura di DTC Surabaya dan kemudian menganalisisnya dengan etika bisnis islam. Teknik pengumpulan datanya menggunakan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa etos kerja pedagang etnis Madura di DTC Surabaya sesuai dengan etika bisnis islam. Kejujuran, menimbang sesuai takaran, ramah, ta’awun, tidak menjelek-jelekkan bisnis pedagang lain dan sikap sikap positif lainnya yang dianjurkan dalam bisnis Islam melekat dalam diri pedagang etnis Madura yang memang dikenal sebagai pribadi yang religius. Kata kunci: etos kerja, pedagang etnis Madura, etika bisnis Islam


    The Work Ethos of Madurese Commercial at DTC Surabaya that Observe From Islamic Ethic of Business ABSTRACT The research has tittled the work Ethos of Madurese Commercial at DTC Surabayathat Observe From Islamic Ethic of Business has purpose to know the work ethos of madurese commercial that has religiousity, is that suitable with Islamic ethics of business or not. This is qualitative analytical descriptive, it is to describe the work ethos of madurese commercial at DTS Surabaya an also analize them in Islamic ethics of business. Researcher use interview, observation, and the documentation technique for collecting the data. The result showed that the work ethos of madurese commercial at DTC Surabaya is suitable with Islamic ethics of business. The integrity in weighting that suitable with the measurement, friendly, ta’awu>n, never mocking the other commercial business and the other positive attitudes that suggested in Islamic business that be one in madurese commercial that famous of religiousity. Key words : Work ethos, Madurese commercial, Islamic ethich of business.

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