Detail Karya Ilmiah

    Penulis : Ranti Statia
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Drs. Harun Al Rasyid, M.Si.
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Muhammad Busyro Karim, S.Ag., M.Si.

    Pembelajaran yang dilakukan guru harus melibatkan siswa, memiliki rencana dan dapat mengantarkan siswa mencapai tujuan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui penerapan interaksi edukatif di kelas III. Menggunakan kualitatif deskriptif dengan sumber data kepala sekolah, guru, dan siswa. Metode pengumpulan data observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi, serta uji kredibilitas dengan triangulasi. Hasil yang diperoleh terdapat 6 pola interaksi yang terdiri dari 2 interaksi yakni interaksi di luar dan di dalam pembelajaran. Di luar pembelajaran yakni interaksi kepala sekolah dengan guru, kepala sekolah dengan siswa, guru guru, guru dengan siswa. Interaksi di dalam pembelajaran yakni interaksi guru dan siswa serta interaksi antar siswa. Penerapan interaksi edukatif terdiri dari perencanaan dan pelaksanaan. Perencanaan yang dibuat guru berupa pembelajaran dengan metode tanya jawab serta pemberian penghargaan dan hukuman dengan maksud mencapai tujuan yang telah ditetapkan berdasarkan indikator sehingga akan menimbulkan pola interaksi edukatif dalam proses pembelajaran IPS. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran dilakukan dengan menerapkan metode serta pemberian penghargaan dan hukuman, sehingga terjadi pola interaksi edukatif berupa interaksi guru dengan siswa, siswa dengan siswa yang menggunakan metode tanya jawab, penugasan, dan pemberian penghargaan serta hukuman selama proses pembelajaran berlangsung sehingga tujuan yang diharapkan dapat terwujud yakni siswa diharapkan dapat paham materi uang dan memiliki kepribadian yang berakhlak mulia sebagai bentuk nyata dari terlaksananya penerapan interaksi edukatif dalam pembelajaran IPS. Kesulitan guru berupa media, siswa kesulitan memahami materi IPS. Upaya guru membuat pembelajaran yang akan menimbulkan interaksi timbal balik, dan menggunakan media selain gambar. Kata Kunci: pola interaksi edukatif, penerapan interaksi edukatif


    In conducting learning activity, teacher must involve students, has a teaching plan and able to deliver students achieving goals. The purpose of the study is to determine the implementation of educative interaction on III grade. The study applies descriptive qualitative method in which the source of data are head master, teachers and students. Data collecting method applied are documentation, interview, observation and credibility test by using triangulation. The result of study obtains 6 interaction pattern that is consisted of 2 interaction; inside and outside learning process. Outside the learning process is an interaction between headmaster and teachers, headmaster and students, teachers and teacher, teachers and students. Inside the learning process is interaction between teachers and students, students and students. The implementation of educative interaction consists of lesson plan and implementation. Teachers create a lesson plan using question and answer method, stick and carrot method (reward and punishment). By doing so, learning can be able to meet the goal that has been set based on the indicator. Then, it triggers educative interaction pattern in the learning process of social science subject. The learning implementation is conducted by applying method and also the stick and carrot strategy in order to create an educative interaction pattern in a form of interaction between teachers and students, students and students. It is expected by the existing of the pattern, the interaction implements the method of question and answer, assignment and the stick and carrot during the learning process, therefore, the goal set can be achieved. The goals are students are expected to have good comprehension on the subject and good attitude. The goals are realization of implementing educative interaction application in social science subject. The difficulties that teachers mostly deal with are learning media and students difficulties in comprehending social science material. Teachers effort that is expected to be apllied is a learning atmosphere that trigger the feed back interaction and using other media but images. Keywords: educative interaction pattern, educative interaction implementation

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