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  • Gambaran dan Tipe-Tipe Diskrepansi Diri pada Pembeli Impulsif (Impulsive Buyer)
    Penulis : Zulfa Nur Wisda
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Alifah Rahma Wati, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psikolog
    Dosen Pembimbing II :

    Zulfa Nur Wisda, Program Studi Psikologi. Gambaran dan Tipe-Tipe Diskrepansi Diri (Self-Discrepancy) pada Pembeli Impulsif (Impulsive Buyer). Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui gambaran dan tipe-tipe diskrepansi diri pada pembeli impulsif. Penelitian ini menggunakan subjek penelitian mahasiswi Universitas Trunojoyo Madura dengan metode purposive sampling. Analisis data menggunakan teknik Miles and Huberman dan keabsahan data menggunakan perpanjangan pengamatan, triangulasi sumber dan waktu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembeli impulsif memiliki perbedaan gambaran diskrepansi diri dalam dirinya saat membeli secara impulsif. Pembeli impulsif lebih cenderung secara dominan mengalami tipe diskrepansi diri actual/ own vs ideal/ own saat melakukan aktivitas belanja daripada tipe actual/ own vs ideal/ other, actual/ own vs ought/ own, actual/ own vs ought/ other. Apabila seseorang tidak mampu menangani diskrepansi dirinya dengan baik, maka menimbulkan emosi-emosi negatif dalam diri, yakni perwujudan dari dejection dan agitation-related emotions. Kata Kunci : diskrepansi diri, pembeli impulsif


    Zulfa Nur Wisda, Psychology Department. A Representation and Types of Self-Discrepancy of Impulsive Buyers. The purpose of this study determines a representation and Types of Self-Discrepancy of Impulsive Buyers. This research used some female students of University of Trunojoyo Madura within purposive sampling method. Data analysis of this one used analytical technique of Miles and Huberman. Data validity technique used monitoring prolongation, sources and time triangulation techniques. This research result showed the impulsive buyers had some differences about their self-discrepancy’s view at themselves. The impulsive buyers tended to experience self-discrepancy types of actual/ own vs ideal/own about their buying activities than actual/ own vs ideal/ other, actual/ own vs ought/ own, actual/ own vs ought/ other types. Self-discrepancies which appeared if they could not be reduced as well, it can emerge some negative tangible emotions, they are: manifestations of dejection and agitation-related emotions. Keywords : self-discrepancy, impulsive buyer

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