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    Dosen Pembimbing I : YUDHO BAWONO, S.psi., M.Si.
    Dosen Pembimbing II :

    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui gambaran safety needs ibu hamil pada pasangan yang menjalani commuter marriage. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Subjek penelitian berjumlah tiga orang dan ditentukan secara purposive dengan teknik snowball sampling, dengan karakteristik perempuan yang sudah menikah, hamil primigravida, hamil dengan usia kehamilan antara 7-9 bulan, pelaku commuter marriage dengan tipe adjusting couple, dan menjalani commuter marriage mulai awal kehamilan. Teknik pengumpulan data penelitian menggunakan wawancara semi terstruktur. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis data model Miles dan Huberman, yaitu dengan data reduction, data display, dan conclusing drawing. Hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa safety needs ibu hamil pada pasangan yang menjalani commuter marriage dapat terpenuhi meskipun tidak dapat ditemani suaminya setiap hari. Hal-hal yang membuat ibu hamil tidak aman dapat diatasi dengan baik sehingga tidak menimbulkan kekhawatiran yang berkelanjutan. Ibu hamil juga memanfaatkan sarana-sarana yang ada agar merasa aman dari bahaya seperti alat komunikasi dan alat transportasi. Selain itu ibu hamil juga menjaga kesehatan dan kebersihan untuk mencegah rasa sakit yang mungkin timbul. Pada aspek psikologis ibu hamil mengatasi pikiran negatif dengan melakukan hal-hal yang membuat pikiran menjadi fresh kembali. Selain itu ibu hamil juga melakukan berbagai aktivitas yang membuat perasaan mereka selalu senang, sehingga dapat menjalani kehamilan dengan baik. Faktor yang mempengaruhi safety needs ibu hamil pada pasangan yang menjalani commuter marriage adalah lingkungan dan hubungan individu dengan orang lain. Kata Kunci: Safety Needs, Ibu Hamil, Commuter Marriage, Pasangan Suami Istri.


    Abstract This research was done to know the description safety needs of pregnant women in a couple who live a commuter marriage. The method of research used descriptive qualitative approach. The subject of the research there were three peoples and were determined by purposive with snowball sampling technique with the characteristics of the women who was already married, primigravida pregnant, pregnant with the age of pregnancy 7-9 months, doing a commuter marriage with the type of adjusting couple, living commuter marriage start early pregnancy. Research data collection techniques using semi-structured interviews Techniques of analysis data used the model of Miles and Hubermen that is data reduction, data display, and conclusing drawing. The result of the research can be that the safety needs of pregnant women in a couple who live a commuter marriage has been fulfilled although it can’t accompanied by her husband every day. Things that makes the pregnant women is not safe can be overcome with good so as not to cause the concern that sustainable. The pregnant women also use the means are there to feel safe such as a communication device and a transportation. Besides the pregnant women also keeping health and hygiene to prevent the pain which may arise. In the psychological aspect pregnant women overcome the negative thoughts by doing things that make their mind be fresh again. Besides pregnant women also do a variety of activities that make the feeling they’re always happy, so they can live a pregnancy with good. The factors what affect safety needs of pregnant women in a couple who live a commuter marriage are the environment and the relationship of individuals wth the other peoples. Keywords : Safety needs, Pregnant Woman, Commuter Marriage, The couple husband and wife.

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