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Distribusi Beras Untuk Keluarga Miskin (RASKIN). (Studi Kasus: Di Desa Kemoneng, Kecamatan Tragah, Kabupaten Bangkalan).Penulis : MUAHAMMAD ZAINULDosen Pembimbing I : Dr. Dra. Sri Hidayati, M.SiDosen Pembimbing II :Abstraksi
ABSTRAK Muhammad Zainul 110521100042 Jurusan Sosiologi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Budaya Universitas Trunojoyo Madura. “Distribusi Beras Untuk Keluarga Miskin (RASKIN) di Desa Kemoneng Kecamatan Tragah Kabupaten Bangkalan” yang dibimbing oleh Ibu Dr. Dra. Sri Hidayati, M.Si Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan pemerintah untuk menanggulangi dan menghapus kemiskinan, antara lain yaitu dengan mengeluarkan program bantuan Beras Untuk Keluarga Miskin (RASKIN). Program tersebut merupakan program pemerintah untuk membantu keluarga miskin yang rawan pangan, agar mereka mendapatkan beras untuk kebutuhan rumah tangganya. Program RASKIN dipahami sulit terjadi penyimpangan karena bentuk pengawasannya tertata dengan baik dan teratur. Namun pada Implementasinya tidak realistis, banyak pejabat pemerintah yang terlibat melakukan penyimpangan. Berdasarkan fenomena inilah mendorong peneliti untuk melakukan penelitian yang berjudul “Distribusi Beras Untuk Keluarga Miskin (RASKIN)” di Desa Kemoneng dengan tujuan ingin mendiskripsikan dan mengetahui proses terjadinya penyimpangan RASKIN yang melibatkan penjabat pemerintahan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengungkap suatu permasalahan penyimpangan RASKIN dengan menggunakan metode penelitian diskriptif kualitatif. jenis pendekatan studi kasus sebagai bahan dalam memahami fenomena penyimpangan RASKIN di institusi pemerintahan. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti berusaha menganalisa kasus penyimpangan program RASKIN dengan menggunakan teori sistem social Buckley yang dipandang relevan sebagai alat analisis untuk mengungkap dan menjawab suatu masalah sosial yang ditimbulkan oleh tidak sinerginya sistem pelaksanaan program RASKIN yang berjalan di institusi pemerintahan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa penyimpangan Distribusi Beras Untuk Keluarga Miskin (RASKIN) disebabkan karena beberapa faktor. Diantaranya adalah faktor lemahnya sistem pengawasan serta tidak berfungsinya sistem yang menjalankan. Namun yang paling berpengaruh dalam proses penyimpangan Beras Untuk Keluarga Miskin (RASKIN) yaitu adanya sistem tambahan sepihak yang dibuat oleh kelompok kepala desa untuk melaksanakan program RASKIN. Adapun penyebab lain yang melatarbelakangi proses penyimpangan yaitu kesalahan data dalam Daftar Penerima Manfaat (DPM), Sehingga memicu terjadi ketidak tepat sasaran dalam penerimaannya. Kata Kunci: Penyimpangan, Pendistribusian dan Penerimaan RASKIN.
AbstractionABSTRACT Muhammad Zainul 110521100045 , Sociology Department, Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences University of Trunojoyo Madura. “ The Distribution of Hulled Rice Program for a Poor Family in Kemoneng Village , subdistrict of Tragah, Regency of Bangkalan which is conducted by Dr. Dra. Sri Hidayati, M.Si Nowadays, any efforts have been acted by government to solve and delete a poorness such as the government has distributed a Hulled Rice for a poor family. That’s program is government’s program to help a poor family which troubled in prime necessity such as food. The purpose of this program is to help a poor family to get a hulled rice for his or her necessary. A divergence is rather difficult to be occurred in The Distribution of Hulled Rice Program due to that the form of the controlling has arranged it very well. However, its implementation is not realistic , it occurres due to there are many government ‘s functionaries who committed a divergence. Based on this phenomena supports the researcher to analyse it with the tittled “ The Distribution of Hulled Rice for a poor Family ” in Kemoneng Village. Meanwhile, the aim of this research is to describes and knows the divergence of the Distribution of Hulled Rice process on which the government functionaries involve in this Program. The goal of this research is to reveals a divergence of the distribution of hulled rice with descriptive Qualitative Methodology of research. The type of case approaches on which becomes the material in understandng the divergence phenomena of The Distribution of Hulled Rice for a poor Family in government’s institution. In this research, the researcher try to analyse this case by using the Buckley Social System Theory which looks so rellevant to becomes a tool in this research to uncover and answer this social problem which is caused by disparity of realizaton system of The Distribution of Hulled Rice for a poor Family which has worked in the government’s institution. The result of this research shows that the divergence of The Distribution of Hulled Rice for a poor Family is caused by some factors. Among them is the controlling system is gettiing low and the system is not function well who distributed it. However, the most influence in the process of this case is the existence of unilateral additional system which is created by the head of village’s group to commits the program of The Distribution of Hulled Rice for a poor Family. Another factor of a divergence occurred is because a wrong data happened in the list of profit receiver , until an unappropriate target occurred in receiving the hulled rice itself. Key Word: Divergence, Distribution and Acceptance of Hulled Rice.