Detail Karya Ilmiah

  • An Analysis of Category Shift in Passport
    Penulis : Hasanuddin, S.S.
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, S.S.,M.Pd.
    Dosen Pembimbing II :

    This article focuses on the category shift sentence, phrases or words that are found in one kinds of legal documents namely passport which is issued by Indonesian Government. This article aims to explain the types of category shift which are found in passport. It also aims to explain the most type of category shift. This article is conducted by using a qualitative approach because the data are in the form of words. The data of this article are the sentences, phrases or words that contain category shift which are taken from Passport. Keywords: Category shift, legal documents, passport


    This article focuses on the category shift sentence, phrases or words that are found in one kinds of legal documents namely passport which is issued by Indonesian Government. This article aims to explain the types of category shift which are found in passport. It also aims to explain the most type of category shift. This article is conducted by using a qualitative approach because the data are in the form of words. The data of this article are the sentences, phrases or words that contain category shift which are taken from Passport. Keywords: Category shift, legal documents, passport

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