Detail Karya Ilmiah
An Analysis of Ellipsis In Birdman Movie Script by Alejandro Gonzalez InarrituPenulis : Sutrisno Wahyu SandiDosen Pembimbing I : Iqbal Nurul Azhar, S.S., M.Hum.Dosen Pembimbing II :AbstraksiAbstraction
This study focuses on the ellipsis found in Birdman movie script. This study aims to explain the types of ellipsis in the movie script. It also aims to explain the functions of ellipsis. This study is conducted by using a qualitative research because the data are in the form of words, sentences or conversations. The data of this study are words, sentences or conversations in Birdman movie script consisting of ellipsis. The data of this study are obtained by using the content analysis through note taking technique and to analyze the data, the writer uses interactive data analysis. In addition, to analyze the data this study uses ellipsis’s theory proposed by Halliday & Hasan (1976). In the findings, the writer found 208 data. The writer finds three types of ellipsis, 7 data which are included into Nominal Ellipsis, 87 data which are categorized as verbal ellipsis, and 114 data are included into Clausal Ellipsis. The writer also found 5 functions of ellipsis. Those are: make the sentence more effective (83 data), economize the use of sentence (4 data), achieve the cohesion aspect of discourse (109 data), enable the listener or reader mind to something expressed in units of words (4 data) and make the language efficient (8 data). Keyword: Ellipsis, Nominal, Verbal, Clausal, Functions, Movie script.