Detail Karya Ilmiah

  • The Class Conflic In The Inheritance of Loss By Kiran Desai
    Penulis : Dinda Arinda Restu H
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Prof Dr. Suryo Tri Saksono,M.Pd
    Dosen Pembimbing II :


    This study is intended to explain about the class conflict in the novel inheritance of loss, where two difference classes have difference value and though. Upper class people dominating and do what ever they want with their dominance, money make them powerful and make another class become their woker. as revealed by Karl Marx. Based on problems problems arise along with questionings, which are delivered to two main questions of (1) how does the lower class struggle for their love in the inheritance of loss novel? And (2) how is the love relation between the lower class and upper class in the inheritance of loss novel? As the reasult descibes that different social class bring conflict. The upper class people as the powerless make the lower class they worker, they always do what ever they want by their powerful. The lower class people cant do anything because they need mony and upper class people can give them that.

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