Detail Karya Ilmiah

  • A Study of Impoliteness Strategies Used by The Stand Up Comedians in Monologues Scripts
    Penulis : Ristiana Ekawati
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Iqbal Nurul Azhar, S.S., M.Hum
    Dosen Pembimbing II :

    Ekawati, Rsitiana. A Study of Impoliteness Strategies Used by The Stand-Up Comedians in Monologues Scripts. Thesis. English Study Program of Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, Trunojoyo University, Madura. Advisors: Iqbal Nurul Azhar, S.S., M.Hum. This study focuses on the types and functions of impoliteness strategies in monologues scripts of stand-up comedians. There are two research problems in this study: (1) what types of impoliteness strategies are found in the stand-up comedy monologue scripts? and (2) what are the functions of the impoliteness strategies found in the monologue scripts?. This study is conducted by applying a descriptive qualitative research design since the data are explained in the form of words. The data of this study are the utterances of the stand-up comedians found in their monologues scripts. The data analysis reveals the findings which cover research questions. Firstly, the type of impoliteness mostly found in the stand-up comedy monologue scripts is bald on record. It is demonstrated by 8 data. The second position goes to sarcasm or mock politeness which is shown by 7 data. 5 data belong to positive impoliteness. 4 data are negative impoliteness. Then, the lowest frequency is withhold politeness which is proved by only 1 data. Impoliteness strategies found in the data represent the functions as proposed by Culpeper. The frequent function of impoliteness strategies in the monologue script is entertaining function which is shown by 11 data. It is followed by coercive function which is proved by 8 data. The last position goes to affective function that are demonstrated by 6 data. Keywords: Impoliteness Strategies, Stand-Up Comedians, Monologues Scripts


    Ekawati, Rsitiana. A Study of Impoliteness Strategies Used by The Stand-Up Comedians in Monologues Scripts. Thesis. English Study Program of Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, Trunojoyo University, Madura. Advisors: Iqbal Nurul Azhar, S.S., M.Hum. This study focuses on the types and functions of impoliteness strategies in monologues scripts of stand-up comedians. There are two research problems in this study: (1) what types of impoliteness strategies are found in the stand-up comedy monologue scripts? and (2) what are the functions of the impoliteness strategies found in the monologue scripts?. This study is conducted by applying a descriptive qualitative research design since the data are explained in the form of words. The data of this study are the utterances of the stand-up comedians found in their monologues scripts. The data analysis reveals the findings which cover research questions. Firstly, the type of impoliteness mostly found in the stand-up comedy monologue scripts is bald on record. It is demonstrated by 8 data. The second position goes to sarcasm or mock politeness which is shown by 7 data. 5 data belong to positive impoliteness. 4 data are negative impoliteness. Then, the lowest frequency is withhold politeness which is proved by only 1 data. Impoliteness strategies found in the data represent the functions as proposed by Culpeper. The frequent function of impoliteness strategies in the monologue script is entertaining function which is shown by 11 data. It is followed by coercive function which is proved by 8 data. The last position goes to affective function that are demonstrated by 6 data. Keywords: Impoliteness Strategies, Stand-Up Comedians, Monologues Scripts

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