Detail Karya Ilmiah

    Penulis : Ade Eka A
    Dosen Pembimbing I : Dr. H. Agus Romadhon., SP., M.Si
    Dosen Pembimbing II :Aries Dwi Siswanto., ST., M.T

    Selat Madura adalah selat yang memisahkan Pulau Jawa dan Madura. Wilayah perairan tersebut dapat diindikasikan memiliki tingkat pencemaran sedang, hal ini dikarenakan aktifitas masyarakat, perindustrian, pembongkaran kapal, aktifitas penyeberangan kapal dan terdapat perahu-perahu nelayan yang sandar di tepi pantai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui status pencemaran perairan Selat Madura. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Juli 2015. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengambil parameter Salinitas, pH, DO, BOD, Phosfat, Suhu, TSS. Hasil penelitian menggunakan metode STORET yang menunjukkan kondisi pencemaran di Selat Madura tergolong tercemar sedang. Keadaan tersebut diperoleh sebaran parameter fisika dan kimia di Selat Madura. Berdasarkan analisis data meliputi Suhu berkisar 27.5-27.8°C, Salinitas berkisar 24.3-30.6‰, pH berkisar 7.2-7.3, DO berkisar 5.0-6.2 mg/L, BOD berkisar 3.4-4.6 mg/L dan Phosfat berkisar 0.370-0.586 mg/L. Kata kunci: Selat Madura, Parameter Fisika-Kimia, Metode STORET


    Madura Strait is the strait that separates the island of Java and Madura. The water area can be indicated as having medium levels of pollution, this is because the activities of the community, industry, the dismantling of ships, boats crossing activity and there are fishing boats that dock at the waterfront. This study aims to determine the status of water pollution in the Straits of Madura. This research was conducted in July 2015. This research was conducted by taking the parameters of salinity, pH, DO, BOD, Phosphate, Temperatur and TSS. The results using methods STORET that indicates the state of pollution in the Madura Strait were classified as polluted. The state acquired the distribution of physical and chemical parameters in a Strait of Madura. Based on the analysis of data covering Temperature ranges 27.5-27.8°C, Salinity ranges 24.3-30.6‰, pH ranges 7.2-7.3, DO ranges 5.0-6.2 mg/L, BOD ranges 3.4-4.6 mg/L and Phosphate ranges 0.370-0.586 mg/L. Keywords : Madura Strait, Physical and Chemical Parameters, Methods STORET

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